Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms

Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms
Wedding silhouette entertainment!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Cindi Rose Snips Silhouettes for Breast Cancer Survivors

It was a normal weekday, when the phone rang and a pleasant voice said, "American Profile Magazine has made you into an American
Hero!" After a bit more conversation, the writer (Marti Anton) explained that this national publication that goes to small towns, selected
me since I am a wandering silhouette artist, who does like to work in small cities and towns (and large ones too) to impact lives. That,
is not that unusual, as silhouette artists do like to travel, by car, trailer, plane, or once, horse and buggy. What, she said was different,
is that I donate most of my proceeds to The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation to help cancer survivors. Please see the total story on AOL, and this
video got over 200,000 hits in a week before the magazine realized that is was picked up as a Sunday feature story on AOL! I even got a phone call, or
e-mail from a high school friend who saw it in LA, and another one from a friend in Reston, Va. Nothing came of the story, but the fact that a lovely
photo was taken of my own sister, Holly Harwood Skolkin, who was a cancer survivor. She is not here, but please click on the story on AOL and the video,
and see how wonderful she is, and what we do. Thanks so much!

Here is a photo (and I put it there twice to make sure you note it) of my husband, myself, my beloved sister, Holly, and a cancer survivor who received free reconstruction after a mastectomy from my proceeds from cutting silhouettes at Bering's Home Good Store, in Houston, Texas! Imagine all that!  For more details on silhouette fundraisers to benefit charity please visit my site http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org/


  1. This incredible video was made by "American Profile Magazine". Please search AOL for "silhouettes for survivors". It was a Sunday cover story, and the video got 200,000 hits in less than a week. Once the magazine found out, it was to go viral, the halted the escalating story. You need not halt your heart, please check out TheHollyRoseRibbonFoundation and help children with cancer with art, those with cancer get free breast reconstruction, and those who lost a parent to cancer get a further education and grief support. Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, and her husband, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Franklin Rose, save lives one surgery at a time.

  2. Toys stores and children's stores are great places to host silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose. You or your favorite non-profit can earn a percent of sales. It also boosts sales in the event store, boutique, fashion spot, children's store, monogram shop, school fundraiser, church, synagogue, or non-profit. Have silhouettes will send love and memories for life. Love, your silhouette guru, master of spreading G-d's love.
