Cindi snips this flower-girl's portrait in 30 seconds freehand, without a camera or light, or pre-sketch |
It's music to our ears to see the signed famous Liberace Cindi Silhouette from DisneyWorld
Liberace silhouette by DisneyWorld artist, Cindi Harwood and to note the old-fashioned Beatrix Sherman style contemporary silhouette |
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most famous silhouette artist of them all? Kara Walker,Auguste Edouart, Lotte Reiniger, Cindi Harwood, Olly Moss! This question of who is the most famous silhouette artist living, having lived, easily is
Augustin Edouart. He was born in Dunkerque, and left France in 1814, to London, where he began making profiles and front-view portraits with real hair. In 1825 Augustin began cutting full length profiles in silhouette, cutting out black paper with scissors. In those days, scissors were not as developed as they are now, so the skill of the silhouette artist is not by the tools, it is by his/her talent. The paper was made black normally with "soot"and it was easier to cut a profile if one side of the paper was white. In 1829 he arrived in Edinburgh for several years and produced 5,000 silhouettes keeping an extra copy of each, and making notes about the subject he hand-cut on paper. You can see his collection in the National Portrait Gallery, and read more about him on
He later moved to the USA, and sadly, lost most of his work in a ship wreck. His silhouettes of several people can fetch $30,000.
Modern-day silhouette artist expert, Cindi,is the only silhouette artist who has the vintage French silhouette paper in her possession for higher commissions. She uses her art to donate to charities.
Snow White, by Olly Moss, Mirror Mirror on the wall-- you are the fairest of them all! |
Another famous silhouette artist is
Olly Moss, does Comic Con silhouettes and is the author of a book. His work sells out in minutes with a long line waiting to buy his cool works. Sadly, other silhouette artists, copy his work claiming it is their "Olly" version, only if asked. Olly,
ollymoss.com has modernized silhouette artwork to the movie and comic-con fans, he uses sketches, careful thoughts, and the exacto knife. Kara Walker's work are also similar in a more modern dialogue than Charles Dickens cut-out artworks.
https://dickens.ucsc.edu.resources She has been recognized one of the world's most famous silhouette artists, winning millions of dollars for her raw intersection of gender, sexuality and race, with iconic silhouetted features. She changed the art, however, by not using traditional silhouette paper and creating a theatrical arena in art museums making one realize the "push and pull" of life.
Everyone who loves animation, knows
Lotte Reiniger used silhouettes to create animation, and Walt Disney was inspired by her for his first cartoons.
Rob Ryan is a British visual artist who uses the Papercutting (see Guild of American Papercutters sites) with the exacto blades to do incredible scenes similar to the Polish, German, Swiss arts. While his work is done normally from patterns he drew and cut out, in the folk-art way, it has been featured in Vogue, Elle, and Stylist. You can easily donate to The Guild of Papercutters and read about many paper cutting artists who work in that fashion.
Silhouettes Cindi
Rae Harwood Rose is the most famous living portrait silhouette artist,
Modern-style Auguste Edouart by Cindi Rose of an engaged couple for their wedding decor |
having started drawing as a child painting portraits and cutting Polish and Swiss paper-cuts, it was a natural for Disneyland to see her work and hire her as a teen to be their leading silhouette and portrait artist in both of their USA parks.
Beatrix Sherman silhouettes in full figure and bust, are very similar to the works of Auguste Edouart. Although to the eye, the body is not in proportion, it depicts what the clothing were in that era. She lived a flourishing life in Palm Beach, Florida, mingling with the wealthy and traveling for her silhouette bookings. She originated the name, "Silhouettist." She was born Beatrice, and later changed the spelling of her name. Other known silhouette artists are
Isabella Beetham, and
Marietta Leslie Cotton. silhouettesforsurvivors.org
Kara Walker, she Sees the unspeakable, read the book by Gwendolyn Dubois Shaw! |
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