Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms

Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms
Wedding silhouette entertainment!

Monday, August 31, 2015

The History of Silhouette Artists with talents of Physiognomy

The History of Silhouette Artists and Art, Silhouette Artist Gur

Cinderella (Aschenputtel) - Lotte Reiniger (1922) from http://www.silhouettesbycindi.com

The art
 The history of animation can be traced to the silhouettes of Lotte Reiniger. 
The shadow can show mood, and often expresses more than a figure with
details. Walt Disney was especially fond of the silhouettes by Reiniger. She
would sit for hours, weeks, days, years to make a cartoon, moving her paper
cuttings and taking a photo of them.  Much of the world thinks that Lotte
Reiniger invented movie cartoons.  http://www.silhouettesbycindi.com

Lotte Reiniger - Papageno - (1935).m4v

Silhouette artworks in cinema and cartoons!

Lotte Reiniger's silhouette cut-outs are astounding and 

extraordinary.  The silhouette theme began in Turkish

shadow puppets, with a religious undertone, using the 

soul as the theme of a shadow.  Walt Disney was inspired

to make his first cartoons from silhouette artist Lotte Reiniger.