Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms

Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms
Wedding silhouette entertainment!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation: Changing lives, one surgery at a time.

Silhouettes of a Survivor of Cancer.
You have your silhouette of whom you are, what you can do, how you
can take life's challenges and inspire others.
When life gives you a challenge, you can pray and opportunities can come
to you.  The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation 501 (c ) ( c ) offers free breast reconstruction, wigs,
higher education, out-reach, art classes to cancer survivors and their families.
Founded by renown professional silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, and her husband, plastic
and reconstructive surgeon, Franklin Rose MD, they have helped over 100 people, with over
1 million in free surgeries, wigs, inspiration, and education.  Cindi, the favorite paper profilist
of modern, 20th, 21st century art cut portraits donates a huge percent to cancer survivors.
To arrange a silhouette function for cancer in your community, contact TheHollyRoseRibbon
foundation.org or http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org/  Cindi's work is in art and she is available
to speak on positive ways to keep faith during critical challenges to wellness, and to do fund raisers
for your non-profit with her amazing art silhouettes which have made history.