Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose is an elegant touch to a New York wedding. She is the only hand-cut paper silhouette artist that was a New York City resident. Recently, she had the pleasure of working a 6 hour wedding in the mid-town area of New York where she did 40 silhouette hand-cut profiles per hour, the fastest record for a detailed hand-cut miniature profile. Guests were entertained and delghted. The bride, Carly Jacobson, searched America to find an artist who could do the double silhouettes that Cindi Rose mastered when she was a teen doing silhouettes at both Disneyland and Disneyworld. Currently she lives in Houston and New York, and likes to work the Houston, Austin, Dallas areas as well as LA, Denver, and Aspen, where she has family. Her work is detailed and her personality is upbeat. On GigMasters she has the most reviews of any East Coast silhouette artist, and many GigMasters rewards. She is the only portrait silhouette artist mentioned on Wikipedia and the featured premier silhoeutte artist on the international Guild of Papercutters. Do you want to hire a silhoeutte artist for your wedding, or even two silhouette artists for a large wedding? Contact CindiSilhouettes@gmail.com http://www.silhouettesbycindi.com/