Cindi Rose is the best silhouette artist for all East Coast and New York City Weddings. Not only is she a former Disney silhouette artist (and that is always the best ones to hire) she is the fastest silhouette artist in history. At your wedding, she can do couples together where she cuts a profile into another profile. Her record when she is cutting and mounting her own detailed artworks is 30 people per hour, which is twice as fast as any other East Coast silhouettest for weddings or store events. In silhouette artwork, like surgery, the faster artists have the most graceful cuts. If you need more silhouettes done at your 4 hour wedding, she reccomends you hire Kathryn and Cindi Silhouette Sisters. Together they can do 60 profiles per hour, of full detail.
Kathryn and Cindi often work many silhouette jobs together. Please check out their popular blog, Kathryn and Cindi Silhouettes. They are popular in New York City, Rhode Island, Maine, Washington DC, and everywhere. You can see the intricate works they do. Kathryn also designs the great cake toppers as shown in these pictures and pendants.
Both Cindi and Kathryn learned how to interact with customers or guests by working at Disney theme parks, and take that gracious personality with them to all wedding and business gatherings. You can see more about Cindi at