Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms

Famous silhouette artist Cindi carves paper profile heirlooms
Wedding silhouette entertainment!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Cindi Silhouettes hand cut profiles in New York

WOW how fast and fabulous is this Cindi Rose silhouette artwork in the fashion world!
Here is fashion silhouettes made in New York City, fashion week, in Soho, Madison Avenue, Times Square, Park Avenue by leading, award winning silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose. Note fashion star, Zac Posen, getting his silhouette made by Cindi Rose, wearing posing Posen!

1 comment:

  1. Cutting silhouettes by Cindi in New York City, in Soho, Park Avenue, Madison Avenue, Fifth Avneue, Brooklyn, for fashion boutiques, fashion week, and MAC cosmetics. This video shows speed cutting, the fastest and most accurate silhouette artist in history. Crowds are spell-bound by this skill and talent.
