Award winning silhouette artist Cindi Rose gives life tips on beauty, fashion, love, and silhouette art and history. She is the best wedding silhouette artist for your wedding reception, and a life-style coach.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Cinderella (Aschenputtel) - Lotte Reiniger (1922) from
The art
The history of animation can be traced to the silhouettes of Lotte Reiniger.
The shadow can show mood, and often expresses more than a figure with
details. Walt Disney was especially fond of the silhouettes by Reiniger. She
would sit for hours, weeks, days, years to make a cartoon, moving her paper
cuttings and taking a photo of them. Much of the world thinks that Lotte
Reiniger invented movie cartoons.
Lotte Reiniger - Papageno - (1935).m4v
Silhouette artworks in cinema and cartoons!
Lotte Reiniger's silhouette cut-outs are astounding and
extraordinary. The silhouette theme began in Turkish
shadow puppets, with a religious undertone, using the
soul as the theme of a shadow. Walt Disney was inspired
to make his first cartoons from silhouette artist Lotte Reiniger.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Meet World’s Most Renown Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose
Start a tradition in your family with one-of-a-kind silhouette keepsakes – a stylish, personal silhouette, by collectible artist Cindi, that will escalate in value in time.
Meet the World’s Fastest, Most Skilled, and Most Renown Professional Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose at Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Sunday, September 27th 11:30 am – 4:00 pm and help benefit children’s hospital arts via Silhouettes for Survivors. Read more about this program sponsored by the Holly Rose Ribbon foundation:
With a great selection of toys & gifts for children of all ages, enjoy great shopping and watch the amazingly talented and world-famous Cindi Rose create a likeness of your child in minutes that will be treasured for a lifetime.
Foremost silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will be available to capture you and your loved ones in her heirloom artwork in Austin at Brilliant Sky Toys & Books on Sunday, September 27th 11:30 am – 4:00 pm
Austin, TX 78746
Pre-Registration & a $10 deposit is required to reserve your spot.
Don’t miss the opportunity to have your child’s Silhouette done by the amazingly talented, professional silhouette artist Cindi Rose. This is a perfect and unique gift for aunts, uncles, grandparents and a cherished family keepsake.
Pet Silhouettes
Cindi’s hand cut images take 2 minutes and last forever. C. H. Rose is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettist with intricate details. Children do not have to sit still. Cindi can capture wiggly children and adults, fixing hair and double chins as requested.
This is also a great idea for engaged couples to have their silhouettes done together, for a family heirloom, and Cindi can do pets too ~ just bring in a printed profile photo of your pet to your appointment.
Price for the silhouettes- $35 for the original and $10 each additional copy. Cindi is able to do more than one child at a time or each child separately, your choice. The silhouette will be matted and framed while you wait, so you are able to take it with you. Frames range in price from around $14 to $35.
Appointments requested as the day fills up!
Never settle for less than the best, have a hand-cut silhouette by 4th generation fine artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, former Disney top artist, to benefit hospital art programs and children affected by critical illness. Proceeds benefit Silhouettes for survivors – learn more about the program here:
Have America’s best paper profilist Cindi Rose hand-cut a flattering likeness of you, your child, or loved one for a unique heirloom gift that will be cherished forever. Cindi, a natural artist has drawn portraits since a child, and cut silhouettes for Disney as a teen, she is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettes, descended from generations of established artists. Rose honed her talents as a child drawing portraits and at 15 years old discovered that she could look at a person, and capture each profile feature (in a flattering and stylish point-of-view) in a minute or less, making her the world’s fastest authentic silhouette artist in all history. She is also the best with unmatched details and an intuitive twist. She has traveled the world, cutting silhouettes for Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali, President Obama, President Bush, Queen Elizabeth, Dr. Phil, Tony Bennett, Elvis Costello, Liberace, Patricia Arquette, Ashley Judd, and many other celebrities.
Cost is $35 per person, Extra copies are just $10 per person.
Cindi Rose, a third generation fine artist, has done silhouettes over 35 years, and is considered theworld’s fastest, most accurate premier silhouette artist. Please view Cindi’s videos on Youtube: For more information and booking information please visit
Monday, August 24, 2015
How to make your own wedding silhouettes for your theme!
Having a wedding?
Hire a professional silhouette artist or make your own DIY Premier American silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, does lovely silhouettes of guests at weddings! Silhouettes are beautiful for your wedding invitations and can be done in any color!
You can look on the web, and find a silhouette artist to make your invitation. It is a fun touch if you hire one to entertain at the wedding event. Look at the Guild of Papercutters to see the featured silhouette artist, or where one lives in your area. Silhouette artists will travel if you book them. They need not live near you. Professional silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will even travel to other countries!
To make your own wedding silhouettes, take profile photos of one another, or have them made. Find the color paper you like. Cut the photo out, carefully. Draw what you cut out as a stencil on the colored paper you selected. Use nice barber scissors or embroidery scissors to cut out the shapes. Mount them, and enjoy!
Authentic silhouette artists in the 20th century normally worked in amusement parks, or World Fairs. Often, even on the streets of Paris. They all can draw portraits, and like history, they learned that cutting a profile of a person, from head to toe, sideways in profile, often can get a quicker, and more satisfying result. Don't be fooled, when done correctly, this art is the hardest fine art to master. That is why we rarely see a real silhouette artist, who does not sketch the work first, use a projector, or light to trace a shadow. The artist can literally draw with scissors. Check out Wikipedia's great article on silhouette artists! Althoug check Peggy McClard antiques to get a wonderful history, there is one on where art historian of silhouettes and Cindi Harwood Rose write an interesting history of silhouette art and history of silhouette artists together. Or, you can get a professional silhouette artist to do one for you, such as the ones I did below. They vary in price to do full-length silhouettes, and are not that expensive. It is worth it to have the signed original. You may have a great investment for the future, with the real silhouette artist's signature. However, the DIY is something to be proud of too, and in that case, sign your own work, and invest in your marriage!
Hire a professional silhouette artist or make your own DIY Premier American silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, does lovely silhouettes of guests at weddings! Silhouettes are beautiful for your wedding invitations and can be done in any color!
You can look on the web, and find a silhouette artist to make your invitation. It is a fun touch if you hire one to entertain at the wedding event. Look at the Guild of Papercutters to see the featured silhouette artist, or where one lives in your area. Silhouette artists will travel if you book them. They need not live near you. Professional silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will even travel to other countries!
To make your own wedding silhouettes, take profile photos of one another, or have them made. Find the color paper you like. Cut the photo out, carefully. Draw what you cut out as a stencil on the colored paper you selected. Use nice barber scissors or embroidery scissors to cut out the shapes. Mount them, and enjoy!
Authentic silhouette artists in the 20th century normally worked in amusement parks, or World Fairs. Often, even on the streets of Paris. They all can draw portraits, and like history, they learned that cutting a profile of a person, from head to toe, sideways in profile, often can get a quicker, and more satisfying result. Don't be fooled, when done correctly, this art is the hardest fine art to master. That is why we rarely see a real silhouette artist, who does not sketch the work first, use a projector, or light to trace a shadow. The artist can literally draw with scissors. Check out Wikipedia's great article on silhouette artists! Althoug check Peggy McClard antiques to get a wonderful history, there is one on where art historian of silhouettes and Cindi Harwood Rose write an interesting history of silhouette art and history of silhouette artists together. Or, you can get a professional silhouette artist to do one for you, such as the ones I did below. They vary in price to do full-length silhouettes, and are not that expensive. It is worth it to have the signed original. You may have a great investment for the future, with the real silhouette artist's signature. However, the DIY is something to be proud of too, and in that case, sign your own work, and invest in your marriage!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Ten ways to gain friends
1. Think of others, not yourself, ask how they are, and don't spend too much time talking about yourself.
2. Never upstage your friends, they may be jealous of you. Always be authentic, who wants fake friends anyway.
3. Write real thank-you notes for anything that another may have done. If the note is home-made it is better, you can buy cute scrapbook items and personalize the note!
4. Be there when people need you. If the friend is sick, bring food and ask what they eat, or offer to run errands for them. Pitch in on their special occasions. At the least, send an e-mail, you are thinking of them.
5. Never let them borrow anything. That creates un-real boundaries, and they will fill that they need to use you. Explain that it is a rule of yours not to borrow (except for the wedding by tradition or from a family member) as you may ruin it or they may not return it. If you visit them, bring a gift, help buy gas, groceries, or take the to dinner. Try not to over-stay your welcome, unless you are the "baby-sitter". In that case, are they using you?
6. Do "you validaton" think of their best qualities and compliment them for them. Do this to yourself, too.
7. Invite them out for lunch or coffee, or better yet, a meal at your home.
8. Don't tell their secrets to anyone, be careful about telling your secrets to them.
9. Stay upbeat but listen and emphasize with their journey. Often a good friend needs a "bitch body buddy" someone to complain to. If they do too much of that, you may want to rethink them, are they addicted to distress? What can fix them? Offer prayer and spirituality.
10. If they hurt your feelings explain in an honest way that you like them, but not the way it appeared that they acted, that it made you feel awkward, and hurt your feelings.
A true friend is a jewel, and will sparkle when it is clean.
How to attract the perfect mate
How to attract the perfect soul-mate, by someone who did!
Make your checklist and be specific.
Remember you want someone kind, honest, and caring.
You don't want someone already married.
You normally want someone dependable.
You want someone who will not mind if you gain 10 pounds or lose 10 pounds.
You want someone who will hold a job, and be dependable, if you want a family.
You do want someone with equal interests.
To attract them, show energy, shining in your eyes.
Try to be fit and slim.
Go to unique seminars, healthy grocery stores and Starbucks to work.
Never have too many friends around, that scares people.
Look busy, like you are writing a book, or sketching.
Meet people at the guy, working out at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.
Go to book stores.
Take classes on Jung, or photography, or take cooking lessons.
Dress conservative, yet sexy.
Never look too make-up.
Make sure they are not depressed, this is cute at first but they will be sinking you with them.
Keep your hair and nails clean.
Try to read The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Go to film screenings, art auctions, art shows, car shows.
Smell like vanilla, or cookies.
Go to horse races and shows.
To to boat shows.
Make sure to make shinning eye contact, a quick smile and turn away,
If you are at a public event, you can ask the person what they thought of the speaker.
Try not to look stupid by posing for too many selfies and photos of yourself.
If you want someone successful, you need to be successful and working.
Show are unique, go to the Jung center or take a mind-expanding course.
It is easy to meet someone if you are beautiful, so walk like you are.
Someone who loves their parents normally makes a good partner.
Don't be over-picky, s we are all human.
Best wishes, there is no luck, but there is destiny, deliberation, and determination.
Make your checklist and be specific.
Remember you want someone kind, honest, and caring.
You don't want someone already married.
You normally want someone dependable.
You want someone who will not mind if you gain 10 pounds or lose 10 pounds.
You want someone who will hold a job, and be dependable, if you want a family.
You do want someone with equal interests.
To attract them, show energy, shining in your eyes.
Try to be fit and slim.
Go to unique seminars, healthy grocery stores and Starbucks to work.
Never have too many friends around, that scares people.
Look busy, like you are writing a book, or sketching.
Meet people at the guy, working out at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.
Go to book stores.
Take classes on Jung, or photography, or take cooking lessons.
Dress conservative, yet sexy.
Never look too make-up.
Make sure they are not depressed, this is cute at first but they will be sinking you with them.
Keep your hair and nails clean.
Try to read The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Go to film screenings, art auctions, art shows, car shows.
Smell like vanilla, or cookies.
Go to horse races and shows.
To to boat shows.
Make sure to make shinning eye contact, a quick smile and turn away,
If you are at a public event, you can ask the person what they thought of the speaker.
Try not to look stupid by posing for too many selfies and photos of yourself.
If you want someone successful, you need to be successful and working.
Show are unique, go to the Jung center or take a mind-expanding course.
It is easy to meet someone if you are beautiful, so walk like you are.
Someone who loves their parents normally makes a good partner.
Don't be over-picky, s we are all human.
Best wishes, there is no luck, but there is destiny, deliberation, and determination.
The silhouette artwork is wonderful on invitatons and logos.
The best works are done by silhouette artists which you can google, on see on Bing, Yahoo, AOL, or working at events. The computer and wall traced silhouettes are flat, and do not show personality. You can contact the silhouette artists and have them do invitations, but don't use the simple ones that do them by computer as they will look trite and will be out-of-proportion. It is best for a skilled former Disney silhouette artist to hand-cut your profile. Many of the silhouette artists will ship directly to you. I work by events, and if hired to do a silhouette for a wedding, event, Bat Mitzvah, business convention store fashion event, Wedding silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose can to send you logo silhouettes of the bride and groom to use for your invitations. Just go to If I am not available, I can tell you which woman will do a great job for you. We even work in the UK and Dubai!
Friday, August 21, 2015

Planning a wedding? Hire a renown silhouette artist!
A is for an agreement of what you and your significant partner expects, and it is for Appreciation. You better appreciate your partner and their goals, and they better appreciate yours, if not, I would say A is for Adios! You do not need to start an agreement with someone who does not support who you are! A is for action. Make a list, you need to think about who will marry you (priest, rabbi, judge, friend), where you will have the ceremony, the reception. What is the theme? How many people do you want? Where is the venue? Do you want a band or DJ? Seated dinner, buffet? Outdoors or indoors? A is for annoying, which you can become-- don't. Keep your bridezilla and groomzilla Attitude to be about gratitude.
B is for Brides and Besties. Please remember the good people who really love you, and not make your wedding or marriage about social climbing. B is not for Bad girl, or Bad Boy. Don't be one of those. Be Beautiful, inside and out. B is for beauty, make sure that either you can make yourself beautiful on your wedding day, or you have hired professionals. On my wedding day, I did my own hair, make-up, borrowed the dress, but told myself, that it was my wedding day and all Brides are beautiful, if they shine inside and out. B is for Brides. B is for borrow. Borrow from your friends or family, what you don't have. Even if it is your grandmother's watch, or that necklace of your mom's that is so dear to you. B is for bouquet. Plan something special on your bridal bouquet. You can put a little personal jewel on it, or a silhouette pendant (see silhouettesbycindi on Pinterest) for bouquet ideas. You can even make one from a collection of brooch's. B can be the beach. Beach weddings are always fun and easy, breezy. B is for the book, the guest book. Remember, you will always enjoy having these kind words and signatures from your guest book, don't forget to get one.
C is for Cindi Silhouettes at your wedding. It is for Caring about all your entertainers, and giving them vendor meals. C is about the cake! Everyone really cares about a great tasting and gorgeous cake. C is about control. It is best a wedding planner or your Maid of honor help control the seating chart, the decorations, the invitations, the RSVPs. It is for Champagne toasts. C is for award winning silhouettest, Cindi Harwood Rose coming to your wedding, and doing the greatest silhouette art of all your guests as gifts for them to Cherish. C is for cherishing your hand-cut profile silhouettes as entertainment at your wedding, and as decorations. C is for creative. Be creative about your wedding day and your wedding night, and your honeymoon! It is about cash. If you can tip special service people such as the waiters, the servers, and carry cash on hand, it is a smart move. it is nice. C is for camera. Your photographer is a must, you may want a photo booth, you may want a video. C is for cute. Everyone loves to see cute flower girls and ring bearers at your reception. C is for courage. C is for charm. C is for candy. Everyone loves a candy bar (especially your dentist) out as dessert besides the cake.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Wedding Silhouette Artist, Silhouette Artist for your Wedding!
Cindi Rose is the best silhouette artist for all East Coast and New York City Weddings. Not only is she a former Disney silhouette artist (and that is always the best ones to hire) she is the fastest silhouette artist in history. At your wedding, she can do couples together where she cuts a profile into another profile. Her record when she is cutting and mounting her own detailed artworks is 30 people per hour, which is twice as fast as any other East Coast silhouettest for weddings or store events. In silhouette artwork, like surgery, the faster artists have the most graceful cuts. If you need more silhouettes done at your 4 hour wedding, she reccomends you hire Kathryn and Cindi Silhouette Sisters. Together they can do 60 profiles per hour, of full detail.
Kathryn and Cindi often work many silhouette jobs together. Please check out their popular blog, Kathryn and Cindi Silhouettes. They are popular in New York City, Rhode Island, Maine, Washington DC, and everywhere. You can see the intricate works they do. Kathryn also designs the great cake toppers as shown in these pictures and pendants.
Both Cindi and Kathryn learned how to interact with customers or guests by working at Disney theme parks, and take that gracious personality with them to all wedding and business gatherings. You can see more about Cindi at

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
This pop art silhouette is from Olly Moss, who is a sensation in the contemporary silhouette art world. A current history of silhouette art and artists by Cindi Harwood Rose is on with Peggy McClard.
Another contemporary favorite silhouette artist is Kara Walker!
Another contemporary favorite silhouette artist is Kara Walker!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Silhouettes by Cindi - Silhouettes ARTIST IN New York City NY
Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose is popular in the New York fashion and wedding world. Her work is art deco, yet edgy, in speed and uniqueness. She can be compared to her contemporary, New York trendy

Every gift we are given, can also be a road block, thus we have to be creative and figure out, how can I use this ability or disability, to the betterment of the world? For me, being born an artist, makes me one bit "spacey, stubborn, free-spirited, grounded, open-minded, giving, silent, content, curious, positive, contemplative, intuitive". To master life, you must be a yoga of good intention.
Each feature can be something that can make life's walk or journey complicated, or simple. I stay focused on the beauty of life. It can be how a leaf flutters, or a child gives love, the ripple of a sea shell, thrown back into the ocean. I make sure to get at least "10" goals done per day. This includes at least some good deeds, impacting another person's life, and not telling anyone that I did something nice. It is for karma, or my heart to sing. For a person who is ultra organized and obsessive, such as the surgeon (whom I did marry), they can use this trait in the operating room. It is a disability when they over think something we have no control over, such as the weather! If you are born with a physical self that others may think not normal, you can show a beautiful heart, and the lesson will be for others, to not judge. We all have a skin, we each have energy to "hand-out" when we are in public. It is best to show kindness no matter what, and to remember, nothing is personal, and when it appears to be, just bless the others and wish them the best. Silhouette sonnets sung simply in peace and prayer. Love, Cindi, your silhouette guru and "The silhouette Lady."
Waist training has been the rage, since the days of the silhouette artist's heyday which began in the 1600's and then boomed in the late 1700's to 1800's. The women had such small waists due to corsets.
Even stars like Jayne Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe wore corsets in the 1950's. Today, reality stars and internet (sometimes porn) stars weave a small waist by wearing a corset! Kym Kardashian and even Caitlyn have sworn that this trims slim greatness. Be sure to get one with "bones of metal" to trim your mid-section. You can sleep in this and wear it almost all day. I tried it for a few weeks, and thought I saw a difference. I know I will try it again. When buying one, measure your waist, and go for a size 3 to 4 inches smaller.
For a tight and high bun--- just squeeze those muscles in your "rear" as tight as you can all day long. You will be shocked that it will rise like bread with yeast. Squats help too, but never have your knees in front of your torso. This is a complicated item to remember, so if you have a gym, use the machine that you lay down on, and push your legs out against a weight, many times a day.
Cindi Harwood was the first female body builder featured in Muscle and Fitness Magazine world-wide and was a former TV exercise hostess. She has modeled in over 200 health magazines. Now over 50 years young, she still have a similar body. Your muscles have memory, so if you start young, and don't drink too much alcohol and eat too much white flour and sweets, you can keep your shape a long time. Always remembering to do shape-forming exercise, best found with small weights and yoga style stretches.
Here are photos of Cindi Harwood, now Cindi Harwood Rose, from her 20's, then at 39, and after 50. All showing that a healthy lifestyle can help you "beat the clock."
Waist training has been the rage, since the days of the silhouette artist's heyday which began in the 1600's and then boomed in the late 1700's to 1800's. The women had such small waists due to corsets.
Even stars like Jayne Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe wore corsets in the 1950's. Today, reality stars and internet (sometimes porn) stars weave a small waist by wearing a corset! Kym Kardashian and even Caitlyn have sworn that this trims slim greatness. Be sure to get one with "bones of metal" to trim your mid-section. You can sleep in this and wear it almost all day. I tried it for a few weeks, and thought I saw a difference. I know I will try it again. When buying one, measure your waist, and go for a size 3 to 4 inches smaller.
For a tight and high bun--- just squeeze those muscles in your "rear" as tight as you can all day long. You will be shocked that it will rise like bread with yeast. Squats help too, but never have your knees in front of your torso. This is a complicated item to remember, so if you have a gym, use the machine that you lay down on, and push your legs out against a weight, many times a day.
Cindi Harwood was the first female body builder featured in Muscle and Fitness Magazine world-wide and was a former TV exercise hostess. She has modeled in over 200 health magazines. Now over 50 years young, she still have a similar body. Your muscles have memory, so if you start young, and don't drink too much alcohol and eat too much white flour and sweets, you can keep your shape a long time. Always remembering to do shape-forming exercise, best found with small weights and yoga style stretches.
Here are photos of Cindi Harwood, now Cindi Harwood Rose, from her 20's, then at 39, and after 50. All showing that a healthy lifestyle can help you "beat the clock."
Silhouette Artists for Business Conventions
Do you need to have people circulate around your convention booth, and linger in awe? Would you like a constant reminder of your company and products without
having to do it yourself? Do you want more sales?
Would you like your fashion store to attract more clients and to improve your merchandise sales?
Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, can work at your business convention, boutique and create beautiful hand-cut accurate portraits in a minute per person. She formally was a TV actress, and commercial actress, while always being a silhouette artist. Her personality can attract customers to your venue, while her art will leave a lasting keepsake, hung on the walls, treasured forever. You can even print the cardstock with your logo and a sales message on the back. Cindi can memorize a script about your product to inform customers that her details to profile equals your details to happy clients.
What a wonderful way to market your business and to have an exciting booth, having large attraction, and extra sales and customers. www//
Do you need to have people circulate around your convention booth, and linger in awe? Would you like a constant reminder of your company and products without
having to do it yourself? Do you want more sales?
Would you like your fashion store to attract more clients and to improve your merchandise sales?
Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, can work at your business convention, boutique and create beautiful hand-cut accurate portraits in a minute per person. She formally was a TV actress, and commercial actress, while always being a silhouette artist. Her personality can attract customers to your venue, while her art will leave a lasting keepsake, hung on the walls, treasured forever. You can even print the cardstock with your logo and a sales message on the back. Cindi can memorize a script about your product to inform customers that her details to profile equals your details to happy clients.
What a wonderful way to market your business and to have an exciting booth, having large attraction, and extra sales and customers. www//
Silhouette Skin Care Natural Secrets
Honey Molasses Hair Pack
As a busy silhouette artist, philanthropist, wife, mother, friend, sister, medical spa owner, I have to have some quick-as-a-flash natural beauty secrets. I do own a medical spa, and there are machines to make one more beautiful, but there are natural ways too.
In this wide-rimmed blog, I will take the word silhouette to mean the space that anything occupies, the outline around it. Thus, there are silhouette beauty secrets for me to share.
Massage black strap organic molasses into your hair (if it is dry) and cover with a plastic shower cap. Leave on 20 minutes. If you want your hair lighter substitute honey. I would use around 4 oz.
Hair growth secret!
I was in Mexico and met someone with wonderful hair. She shared her family secret. She rubs jalapenos (crushed in the food processor with seeds and mixed with t tbs. water) into the hair nightly. This stimulates hair growth for men and women. Ginger is supposed to do this as well, if you can extract the juice, and rub that into your scalp. Also massaging the head helps hair growth.
Dandruff or dry scalp remover
Mix 1/2 TBS.of apple cider vinegar with 4 oz. of water. Put this in a glass bottle. Pour on your head in the shower (hold your nose). Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. Leave on for 3 minutes, then use your favorite conditioner and your smell will go away, and so will the dry scalp! If you want you can always add a little vanilla extract to the first formula to do some smell control.
More beauty secrets later. Silhouette songs to you of love that is not lost.
Honey Molasses Hair Pack
As a busy silhouette artist, philanthropist, wife, mother, friend, sister, medical spa owner, I have to have some quick-as-a-flash natural beauty secrets. I do own a medical spa, and there are machines to make one more beautiful, but there are natural ways too.
In this wide-rimmed blog, I will take the word silhouette to mean the space that anything occupies, the outline around it. Thus, there are silhouette beauty secrets for me to share.
Massage black strap organic molasses into your hair (if it is dry) and cover with a plastic shower cap. Leave on 20 minutes. If you want your hair lighter substitute honey. I would use around 4 oz.
Hair growth secret!
I was in Mexico and met someone with wonderful hair. She shared her family secret. She rubs jalapenos (crushed in the food processor with seeds and mixed with t tbs. water) into the hair nightly. This stimulates hair growth for men and women. Ginger is supposed to do this as well, if you can extract the juice, and rub that into your scalp. Also massaging the head helps hair growth.
Dandruff or dry scalp remover
Mix 1/2 TBS.of apple cider vinegar with 4 oz. of water. Put this in a glass bottle. Pour on your head in the shower (hold your nose). Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. Leave on for 3 minutes, then use your favorite conditioner and your smell will go away, and so will the dry scalp! If you want you can always add a little vanilla extract to the first formula to do some smell control.
More beauty secrets later. Silhouette songs to you of love that is not lost.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
New Year's Resolutions for your mental and physical silhouette!Silhouette artist Cindi Rose's silhouette answers of life!
A for Aromatherapy, a 5 thousand year old-science, stay energized with mint!
B for Brains, books were built to build knowledge with.
C is for caring, try to think of helping one person or animal a day!
D is dare yourself, to be quiet when you feel like being angry, wait 3 days for plan 2.
E is for the earth. Please be kind, don't polute, recycle.
F is for feelings, be mindful of your words towards others feelings
G is for G-d, call HIM the Almighty, but call him daily and find HE is there.
H is for hugs, try to hug more, and hug yourself for me!
I is for "I am". Be true to yourelf, but don't harm others and be self-centered.
J is for juice. Try drinking fresh squeezed organic juice at least 3 times a week.
K is for Karma, be kind, even it it kills you, kiss your karma daily.
L is for laughter. You have to LOVE the people who laugh easily, love and laugh.
M is for mothers, really mother yourself, others, and thank-your mom, for all lessons learned.
N is for NADA. From the void, G-d created the universe, erase your anger, and fill it with love.
O is for Organ-isms Your mind is your largest organ, have organ-isms with exercising it.
P is for prayers. Get on your knees and sway with words of thanks and love, then ask.
Q is for questions. Remember, you learn answers by asking questions, try it more.
R is for rest. Get your 7 to 8 hours sleep, it is an investment in life.
S is for silence. Go to a quiet place and meditate on the leaf, ocean wave, and silent sounds.
T is for trying. Try something new that you can handle, that was on your bucket list.
U is for the universe. Try to eat organic and cage-free animals and eggs, think humanity.
V is for vitamins. Just take the few you need, don't over-do it, get your nutirition from nature.
W is for wishes, wish and then add action to it, but only for the good of the world.
X is for X-ray. Get your mammograms every year and one half, after 40.
Y is for yes, say yes to all things you doubt you can do, do your best for the betterment.
Z is for ZEST! Add flavor to your meals, life, and to others.
My resolutions are the things that make me so infatuated with the art of silhouette cutting, an art that discovered me when I was a teenager. Prior to that, my shy self remembers always sketching and drawing, and spending hours of joy with my mother, painting, sketching, doing clay and art projects. The silhouette artists have a natural ability to see beyond 3 D, they can see into the soul. There are few of them around (perhaps 18 to 28) in the world, and they are known to know physiognomy, the science of people reading by feature. Not that one should do that, as that is a form of prejudice, but we do get a feeling about others, or an instinct. For me with this rare art, I can go into my Zen state, blank out all the world, but you, or the subject I will portrait with scissors, erasing my mind of patter and negative thoughts, reaching zen, saying yes, to love, and s for silence of listening to you, tell me about you. It brings laughter, is my karma, my prayer answered before asked. It came from void to creation. The art is so unique, and those who have mastered hand-cut paper silhouette cutting (and not those who have to sketch it first or trace it or photograph or computer photo shop it) go to another level to create your profile, or the master paper pieces. They all get a third eye. It is an A to Z for life, for that I am a silhouetteguru, and so are my fellow silhouette artists, the silhouette artist, the silhouette art, thanks and blessings. Cindi Harwood Rose, silhouette artist.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The History of Silhouette Art and Silhouette Artists
A silhouette is everything and nothing. It is the positive and the negative. When done correctly, it is "a monument to a moment", when done poorly, it disappears into the background, and is a minimal of all that could be.
The history of silhouettes show how the art of the image in simple black form or white form on black, is addictive to the artist who created it. History was made when American silhouette artist Cindi Harwood did 144 silhouettes in one hour for a world record.
The silhouette is not the shadow, our shadow is a distortion of blocked light. A good silhouette (once called a shade) is your positive light and personality, interpreted by a skillful artist.
There are many ways that this has been done in time. Most feel that with the invention of paper in China, in the twelth century.. Others claim that the roots of the silhouette is traced to the black profiles on ancient Greek and Etuscan pottery. The Greek term was shiagraphia which means shadow painting. People are amazed by a shadow, which appears to change as you move, often having a life of its own. The first artist thought to have done a tracing of a shadow was Dibutade (some say debutante is derived from her name), the daugher of a potter in fl. 600 BC. She traced her lover's shadow to remember him while he was on a journey.
As a silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, has many people tell her that her works which are hand-cut and not traced, remind them more of their loved ones than a photo does. As they are displayed in a home, or in a movie, they serve as a reminder of a loved one, and a precious moment.
Silhouettes also remind people of shadow puppets which were popular in Turkey and the Middle East from the eleventh to the thirteenth century. Some of these religious and spiritual puppet shows have leather pieces imported from India, and often termed Wayang, which also sounds like the word Bayang, the Japanese word for shadow or imagination. This puppetry also became popular in France in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and was called Les ombres noires.
The first silhouette known to be hand-cut in a portrait form is by a Mrs. Pyburg in the late seventh century, in England. She did King William and Queen Mary. Some say it was around 1670. The silhouettes were called profile miniatures or shades. They are never to be life-sized as the wall tracings are that school teachers and crafts people do. The little silhouette which is around 2 to 3 inches high, is the most desired size.
The term silhouette is derived from a French minister of finance called Etienne de Slhouette, 1709-1767. He was a very strict in finance and cut expenses. The name silhouette was applied to him by Augustine Edourt, a French prolific silhouette artist. Edourt's silhouettes are often copied and were used to tell history by the many elaborate settings, and of the subjects he did full figure silhouettes of.
More of the history will be continued later or you can check it out in full detail on and Peggy McClard Antiques.
A silhouette is everything and nothing. It is the positive and the negative. When done correctly, it is "a monument to a moment", when done poorly, it disappears into the background, and is a minimal of all that could be.
The history of silhouettes show how the art of the image in simple black form or white form on black, is addictive to the artist who created it. History was made when American silhouette artist Cindi Harwood did 144 silhouettes in one hour for a world record.
The silhouette is not the shadow, our shadow is a distortion of blocked light. A good silhouette (once called a shade) is your positive light and personality, interpreted by a skillful artist.
There are many ways that this has been done in time. Most feel that with the invention of paper in China, in the twelth century.. Others claim that the roots of the silhouette is traced to the black profiles on ancient Greek and Etuscan pottery. The Greek term was shiagraphia which means shadow painting. People are amazed by a shadow, which appears to change as you move, often having a life of its own. The first artist thought to have done a tracing of a shadow was Dibutade (some say debutante is derived from her name), the daugher of a potter in fl. 600 BC. She traced her lover's shadow to remember him while he was on a journey.
As a silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, has many people tell her that her works which are hand-cut and not traced, remind them more of their loved ones than a photo does. As they are displayed in a home, or in a movie, they serve as a reminder of a loved one, and a precious moment.
Silhouettes also remind people of shadow puppets which were popular in Turkey and the Middle East from the eleventh to the thirteenth century. Some of these religious and spiritual puppet shows have leather pieces imported from India, and often termed Wayang, which also sounds like the word Bayang, the Japanese word for shadow or imagination. This puppetry also became popular in France in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and was called Les ombres noires.
The first silhouette known to be hand-cut in a portrait form is by a Mrs. Pyburg in the late seventh century, in England. She did King William and Queen Mary. Some say it was around 1670. The silhouettes were called profile miniatures or shades. They are never to be life-sized as the wall tracings are that school teachers and crafts people do. The little silhouette which is around 2 to 3 inches high, is the most desired size.
The term silhouette is derived from a French minister of finance called Etienne de Slhouette, 1709-1767. He was a very strict in finance and cut expenses. The name silhouette was applied to him by Augustine Edourt, a French prolific silhouette artist. Edourt's silhouettes are often copied and were used to tell history by the many elaborate settings, and of the subjects he did full figure silhouettes of.
More of the history will be continued later or you can check it out in full detail on and Peggy McClard Antiques.
Hire a wedding silhouette artist for your wedding reception, and entertain your guests while you give them all a historical keepsake! A wedding silhouette artist, feels blessed to have been given this wonderful gift of being able to capture a likeness of loved ones in minutes. They can normally do many things, such as paint, cook, build, draw, sing, act, write, but all have chosen to cut silhouettes because of the immense pleasure others feel when they get the immediate first impression profile cut portrait. Many people live an entire life and have not met one of the less than 38 real silhouette artists in the entire world. One silhouette artist Cindi Harwood, claims there were only 13 when she started. By, the way, that is me, and now I am Cindi Rose, silhouette artist for weddings! My father was an attorney, and great speaker, which allows me to be able to communicate with others (think stage, film, TV, commercials and reality TV). My mother was a portrait artist and paper cutter, and architectural designer. The talent just came to me, as it did to many other fine silhouette artists. At the wedding, we normally work from a table, and two or three chairs, and a waste basket. We use our eyes to see the profile, so none of us like to work in the dark. Some silhouette artists travel with a lamp to assure the area is not dark. I carry silhouette samples, and normally have pre-cut the bride and groom, and display that on my table. Often the whole wedding theme is silhouette art of the bride and groom. I have gone further and have made silhouette table cloths, and silhouette hankies, silhouette cookie cutters, and napkins. Depending on the artist's speed, they cut from 12 to 20 profiles per hour. I can do 30 to 50, depending on if I have an assistant with me to help paste. We normally make the wedding great, and keep all guests happy. It is entertainment and a gift. I try not to talk about myself, as everyone wants to know "how did you learn that." The answer is I never did learn it. I just did it! I first could draw portraits and was hired to do that for a Walt Disney theme park owner in an amusement park. After seeing the magical talent of a silhouette artist, I anxiously asked if I could try this skill. My first attempt to cut a silhouette gave me the job, Disneyland Silhouette Artist, on Main Street in California, and at Astroworld, in Houston, Texas. For a teenager, this was better than the best date at the prom. On your wedding day, your silhouette artist, will come with an open heart, surgical scissors, and often a guest book to place a second copy of each silhouette they cut, signed by the guests for you to keep. They will have pretty clear bags to give your guests to carry their own silhouettes, or string them on the wall from a clothes line, or from ribbons to add charm to your lovely wedding. To hire me for your silhouette wedding, merely go to GigMasters, or try to find my e-mail on-line. It is actually
The Best Wedding Entertainment Idea can be silhouette artist such as CindiSilhouettes on Pinterest. You are engaged! Congrats! Will you elope, have a huge wedding, and compile your list? Such questions will cross your mind" what is your budget, do you want a destination wedding, who is your best man, maid-of-honor, where is the venu, what music do you want-- DJ or band, classical, rock, traditional, cultural? What is the color theme, and the overall theme? Will there be flowers, how elaborate? Will you put out family photos and make a video? How large? Open bar and/or signature drink? Do you need the wedding planner?
Where do you cut back expenses? Do you want to rent, borrow, your wedding dress and suit, or buy new? What will make your wedding special besides your vows and loves? Will there be a dessert bar, party favors? Will you make a photo wall of both families photos? What are the gifts to the wedding party?
Great solution! Just have a silhouette themed wedding. Hire a silhouette artist for your wedding. A wedding silhouette artist! For more information, look at silhouettesbycindiblogspot and Silhouette artist Cindi Rose can profile in paper 2 silhouettes of each guest -- one for each guest and one for a guest book for them to sign and you to keep. Cindi Rose silhouette artist does pre-silhouettes for you to use for your theme. Easily it can be put on water bottles, mints, chocolates, and napkins, even swizzle sticks for signage. This costs the same as a great photo booth, and lasts generations to come. It is more fun than a band, and the guests are entertained. A talented silhouette artist is hard to find. Silhouette artist Cindi Rose can do 30 to 40 detailed silhouettes per minute. If you opt for something else, think harpist or classical duo prior to the wedding during cocktail hour. You can get creative with a wishing wall or Orgami artist. A silhouette artist at your wedding is very cool, and some are very modern, yet classic. Check around, but remember to always love one another and don't fight! Love, Cindi, your silhouette artist guru and life coach to love and happiness.
Where do you cut back expenses? Do you want to rent, borrow, your wedding dress and suit, or buy new? What will make your wedding special besides your vows and loves? Will there be a dessert bar, party favors? Will you make a photo wall of both families photos? What are the gifts to the wedding party?
Great solution! Just have a silhouette themed wedding. Hire a silhouette artist for your wedding. A wedding silhouette artist! For more information, look at silhouettesbycindiblogspot and Silhouette artist Cindi Rose can profile in paper 2 silhouettes of each guest -- one for each guest and one for a guest book for them to sign and you to keep. Cindi Rose silhouette artist does pre-silhouettes for you to use for your theme. Easily it can be put on water bottles, mints, chocolates, and napkins, even swizzle sticks for signage. This costs the same as a great photo booth, and lasts generations to come. It is more fun than a band, and the guests are entertained. A talented silhouette artist is hard to find. Silhouette artist Cindi Rose can do 30 to 40 detailed silhouettes per minute. If you opt for something else, think harpist or classical duo prior to the wedding during cocktail hour. You can get creative with a wishing wall or Orgami artist. A silhouette artist at your wedding is very cool, and some are very modern, yet classic. Check around, but remember to always love one another and don't fight! Love, Cindi, your silhouette artist guru and life coach to love and happiness.
Naked silhouettes, just pure natural talent
silhouettes that show your sparkle.
Sexy silhouettes are ones where you wear
your own brand of fabulous self, and the captures your
style, stamp, uniqueness. It is the favorite
way to make the silhouette a WOW factor.
#Thehistoryofsilhouetteart shows
personality and feature +soul. That is
how you tell quality, and by detail and
speed. The greatest silhouette artists in
history were fast, and the cut lines are
smoother. The scissors flys like a spark
and the emblem created speaks volumes
to you. #Silhouetteartistry is magic!
It creates. . . . . . .
happiness to others, in pure, loving way.

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