How to make a silhouette portrait of your dog, cat, child, self, or loved one.
There are many ways to make a silhouette of yourself or a loved one, all being different, some basic, and not exact. Many are merely black and are shadows cast on walls, with black construction paper behind them. This idea is the subject sits sill the light casts a shadow, you try to sketch it (without your hand getting in the way), next you try to cut it from your markings although, you may hold a scissors wrong, or not follow exact lines. Or perhaps your subject did not pose correctly, and smiled.
Teeth are cute but they often can make a nose longer, and a chin appear double! I know we threw away the crude one a school teacher did when I was 8! Plus, all the kids in her class looked the same!
No, all children do not look the same, nor are all fingerprints the same or snowflakes.
Another way is to darken a profile photo on your computer. It will still be a double reduction. We are 3 D, a photo is 2 D, and now you will double minimize someone you should make "more than who they are not less.
Another way is just to copy a fairly nice straight-on profile shot. Make sure the lips are relaxed and there is no smile. See the top head the back of the head the bottom of the head, the neck and bust-line. Tape black paper behind the photo and cut that out. It still won't be exact since you are not skilled at drawing with scissors, and unless you order real silhouette paper from Blick or a school -supply the construction paper will fade in time and not cut as smoothly.
Normally this type of work is just black and often it is caricature style and again, minimized.
The best way, is to not do it. Leave it to a real portrait artist who can draw great profile portraits with a pen, pencil, pastel, paint brush. If they are one in the over 2 million portrait artists who have learned by their own talent to hand-cut a profile of a person or pet, then you are better off going with them. The best silhouette artists worked for Disney. The key to look for is the inside cuts. Novice artists can claim they are from generations of silhouette artists which has nothing to do with their skill. You want to see they can go inside the silhouette and cut the necktie, bow-tie, earrings, lashes, tux, necklace and any detail that makes it you. The Disneyland and Disneyworld silhouette artists, the only true master silhouette artists can do that, and they also can do groupings (not singles pasted on one sheet)-- heads cut into heads. Don't be fooled if they tout a cheap price on the net. The work could be great, but perhaps they are sketching and cutting losing details, or not able to do the prized groupings. I suggest resume readings. The customer recommendations are often written by their spouse and their friends, you can tell by the language, is that the language people would really use. Language like "Cute Boo came in and giggled with glee to get a ___________ silhouette! Sure, huh. At best they say, "Cindi was professional, early, did accurate beautiful work, was kind and made my event a hit.
Just study the internet, see who you like and check out the works in the stores. Are they fat, is the bodice simplified to not look human, is the face in proportion, do all their children have the same face:
As for you, and your craft project, just do it. Everyone will applaud you and clap. For more information please see.
Award winning silhouette artist Cindi Rose gives life tips on beauty, fashion, love, and silhouette art and history. She is the best wedding silhouette artist for your wedding reception, and a life-style coach.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Flawless Skin Secrets
By Cindi Harwood Rose
Owner of Utopia MedSpa, Uptown Park
Your skin is the largest living organ of your body. It is not an inert covering such as a glove placed on your hand. It has many functions. It is the body’s protective covering against the environment and it is also the body’s principal mechanism for maintaining the temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in which all our cells and body systems are adapted to function. Perspiration, liquid waste, is given off through the skin. Adults have an average of seven pounds of skin. If it were spread out flat, it would cover about nineteen square feet. Every inch is supplied with busy working cells and responsive nerves that keep your body and mind informed about your environment.
The skin is made of three layers of different cell types. The top layer is the epidermis, the thick middle layer is the dermis and the fatty bottom layer is the subcutis. Chinese medicine incorporates skin analysis to determine Yin or Yang deficiency, and lung disharmony.
Most people do not know how to take care of their skin. They have been brain- washed through modern marketers to buy expensive products that are laden with toxic mineral oils, preservatives, colorings, perfumes, and surface-drying alcohol. This actually clogs the outer skin, stopping it from breathing and releasing the wastes your body wants to discard. The alcohol dehydrates the skin. Its purpose is to prolong shelf life. The preservatives stop the natural products such as milk, egg, placenta, and fruit extracts from molding and rotting. Do you think your skin deserves a product that even bugs do not want?
Skin-care is an ancient 3,000-year-old science that has been around in all great civilizations. The American Indians rubbed their bodies with bear grease to keep their skin moist. They participated in sweats to rid the mind and body of toxic thoughts and blockages. The Greeks cleansed the skin by oiling it with plant oils, then scraping it off
By Cindi Harwood Rose
Owner of Utopia MedSpa, Uptown Park
Your skin is the largest living organ of your body. It is not an inert covering such as a glove placed on your hand. It has many functions. It is the body’s protective covering against the environment and it is also the body’s principal mechanism for maintaining the temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in which all our cells and body systems are adapted to function. Perspiration, liquid waste, is given off through the skin. Adults have an average of seven pounds of skin. If it were spread out flat, it would cover about nineteen square feet. Every inch is supplied with busy working cells and responsive nerves that keep your body and mind informed about your environment.
The skin is made of three layers of different cell types. The top layer is the epidermis, the thick middle layer is the dermis and the fatty bottom layer is the subcutis. Chinese medicine incorporates skin analysis to determine Yin or Yang deficiency, and lung disharmony.
Most people do not know how to take care of their skin. They have been brain- washed through modern marketers to buy expensive products that are laden with toxic mineral oils, preservatives, colorings, perfumes, and surface-drying alcohol. This actually clogs the outer skin, stopping it from breathing and releasing the wastes your body wants to discard. The alcohol dehydrates the skin. Its purpose is to prolong shelf life. The preservatives stop the natural products such as milk, egg, placenta, and fruit extracts from molding and rotting. Do you think your skin deserves a product that even bugs do not want?
Skin-care is an ancient 3,000-year-old science that has been around in all great civilizations. The American Indians rubbed their bodies with bear grease to keep their skin moist. They participated in sweats to rid the mind and body of toxic thoughts and blockages. The Greeks cleansed the skin by oiling it with plant oils, then scraping it off
with wet bark, exfoliating their skin. The Egyptians soaked fragrant woods and resins in water and plant oils and rubbed their body and faces with the liquid. The Swedish took elaborate hot mineral baths and cold plunges to detox their skin and invigorate it. The Romans made their cold cream out of the natural organic oils. Coconut and nut oils have been used in tropical climates for thousands of years. The Orientals dry scrubbed their skin with seaweed, exfoliating it, and then moistened the epidermis with sesame oil. They soak in mineral waters laden with natural sulfurs and rub sweet almond oil and mint on the body to aid circulation. They have books on herbs such as Chan Tui (cicada husks) which are helpful for skin conditions. The Middle Eastern countries used the Olive oil for the face and hair. The French used hazelnut oil as a moisturizer. They used lavender oil on skin irritations. Only in the 1900’s, were these natural oils placed by mineral oils which are based from petroleum sludge, and are not only drying to the skin, they are poisonous. Strangely, they are in many products that we may think are safe such as Johnson’s Baby Oil, Vaseline, and Kiehl’s products. Other products such as Tiger’s Balm, Noxzema, Laura Mercier, Franche, and Aveda, have pure combinations of healthy ingredients.
Taking care of your skin involves more than just outer skin care. It involves feeding your skin from within. It is important to keep the body hydrated with six to eight glasses of water a day. If you live in a polluted climate, buy spring water. Stay away from caffeine. Try to eat natural uncooked vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as fish, eggs, seeds and nuts. Eliminate processed sugars and starches. Reduce your salt intake. Go for the whole grains found in brown rice and healthy organic flours such as kamut, barley, flaxseed, spelt, soy, and Brewer’s Yeast. Exercise tones and tightens the skin. Endermologie (a machine that exercises the skin), massage, and water therapy, all aid to skin appeal. For glowing skin, sleep is important as well as vitamins. Vitamins and minerals known to help the skin include the following: Vitamin A, B Complex, C, E, Calcium/Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q 10, L- Glutamine, Omega-3, omega 6 oils, folic acid, Pycnogenol, and fish oil. Dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Waisman, feels that skin care truly does start from within.
Taking care of your skin involves more than just outer skin care. It involves feeding your skin from within. It is important to keep the body hydrated with six to eight glasses of water a day. If you live in a polluted climate, buy spring water. Stay away from caffeine. Try to eat natural uncooked vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as fish, eggs, seeds and nuts. Eliminate processed sugars and starches. Reduce your salt intake. Go for the whole grains found in brown rice and healthy organic flours such as kamut, barley, flaxseed, spelt, soy, and Brewer’s Yeast. Exercise tones and tightens the skin. Endermologie (a machine that exercises the skin), massage, and water therapy, all aid to skin appeal. For glowing skin, sleep is important as well as vitamins. Vitamins and minerals known to help the skin include the following: Vitamin A, B Complex, C, E, Calcium/Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q 10, L- Glutamine, Omega-3, omega 6 oils, folic acid, Pycnogenol, and fish oil. Dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Waisman, feels that skin care truly does start from within.
Skin care is really simple. Your skin is an organ and it breathes. For this to happen, the epidermis needs to be clean and exfoliated. That way the wastes can be eliminated and your natural oils can shine through. Your skin should “glow”. After it is cleaned, if your skin is not too dry, the outer surface should be toned, and then moisturized if it is not too oily. If you add moisturizer on top of clogged pores, you will clog them more and either break out with pimples. . Heavy products stop your skin from breathing.
Exfoliation can be done in many ways. It can be done with products that contain glycolic acid or fruit peels. Microdermabrasion can be done at a spa. You can have a skin peel at a dermatologist or physician. Did you know that these treatments are really just a way to get rid of the dead skin? They are effective but are costly in time and money. To put natural vitamin C and a natural fruit acid into your skin, you can rub the inside of an orange peel on your face for two minutes, and take 500 mg. of vitamin C a day. Microdermabrason is just a grain scrub made of crystals (salt is a crystal), pieces of loofa or sand rubbed around your face and neck in circular motions. Scrub your own face and save over $1,000! You can buy a nice honey-almond granular scrub (be sure it is alcohol free) for around $20 or make your own. Use finely ground nuts, cornmeal, or oat bran, a little water and honey and make a thick paste. Scrub your face and neck with circular motions for around a minute and one half. Rinse off with warm water, then splash cold water on your face and neck. For a toner, take a half-tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a half tablespoon of witch hazel, a tablespoon of aloe Vera juice, to six ounces of spring water. This will keep. Do not tone skin that is too dry.
Home facial treatments include steaming the skin to open the pores and to release blackheads. You can actually boil tea bags, and stand about six to eight inches above the steam for three minutes. Next, entry rub your skin with one or more of the following ingredients, oatmeal, ground nut meal, poppy seeds, cornmeal, with an equal part of honey. Rinse off with cool water. Then place egg white on your face (including the eyelids) and neck. Leave this on for several minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Finally, add cucumber slices to your eyelids and relax for five minutes. You will experience an
Exfoliation can be done in many ways. It can be done with products that contain glycolic acid or fruit peels. Microdermabrasion can be done at a spa. You can have a skin peel at a dermatologist or physician. Did you know that these treatments are really just a way to get rid of the dead skin? They are effective but are costly in time and money. To put natural vitamin C and a natural fruit acid into your skin, you can rub the inside of an orange peel on your face for two minutes, and take 500 mg. of vitamin C a day. Microdermabrason is just a grain scrub made of crystals (salt is a crystal), pieces of loofa or sand rubbed around your face and neck in circular motions. Scrub your own face and save over $1,000! You can buy a nice honey-almond granular scrub (be sure it is alcohol free) for around $20 or make your own. Use finely ground nuts, cornmeal, or oat bran, a little water and honey and make a thick paste. Scrub your face and neck with circular motions for around a minute and one half. Rinse off with warm water, then splash cold water on your face and neck. For a toner, take a half-tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a half tablespoon of witch hazel, a tablespoon of aloe Vera juice, to six ounces of spring water. This will keep. Do not tone skin that is too dry.
Home facial treatments include steaming the skin to open the pores and to release blackheads. You can actually boil tea bags, and stand about six to eight inches above the steam for three minutes. Next, entry rub your skin with one or more of the following ingredients, oatmeal, ground nut meal, poppy seeds, cornmeal, with an equal part of honey. Rinse off with cool water. Then place egg white on your face (including the eyelids) and neck. Leave this on for several minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Finally, add cucumber slices to your eyelids and relax for five minutes. You will experience an
instant face-lift as well as glowing skin! To make this an oxygen facial, just add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to your grain scrub.
Mashed avocado is used in South Africa to soften the skin. Papaya is used in Hawaii on sunburnt skin as well as insect bites. Oatmeal and water is placed on skin rashes in Mexico, Germany, and the United States. Tomato juice with a garlic infusion can be used on skin that is prone to breakout. Hemorrhoid cream has been used on puffy eyelids, blemishes, and cellulite, all for on the spot reducing! So can sliced raw potatoes. Any of the following oils are great to use as a moisturizer: sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, flaxseed oil, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil, and vitamin E oil.
It is an exquisite thought to realize that nature can nourish your skin allowing you to put “your best face forward.”
Mashed avocado is used in South Africa to soften the skin. Papaya is used in Hawaii on sunburnt skin as well as insect bites. Oatmeal and water is placed on skin rashes in Mexico, Germany, and the United States. Tomato juice with a garlic infusion can be used on skin that is prone to breakout. Hemorrhoid cream has been used on puffy eyelids, blemishes, and cellulite, all for on the spot reducing! So can sliced raw potatoes. Any of the following oils are great to use as a moisturizer: sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, flaxseed oil, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil, and vitamin E oil.
It is an exquisite thought to realize that nature can nourish your skin allowing you to put “your best face forward.”
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Silhouettes of your Loved ones make Perfect Holiday Keepsakes
Silhouettes by Cindi November/ December Holiday Schedule
11/22/2015 (Sun.) AUSTIN TEXAS Sweet Love & Sugar Britches in Downtown Round Rock, 106 South Mays Street - 3:00pm - 6 :00pm
12/4/15 Friday GALVESTON TEXAS Dickens on the Strand!! 2127 Strand (at the corner of 22nd and Strand) 3:30 - 6:30 pm
12/13/15 Friday BAY AREA Haute Mommies and Bella Babies, 477 Bay Area Blvd
Don’t miss the opportunity to have your child’s Silhouette done by the amazingly talented, Cindi Rose. This is a perfect and unique holiday gift for any loved one and a cherished family keepsake.
Cindi’s hand cut images take 2 minutes and last forever. C. H. Rose is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettist with intricate details. Children do not have to sit still. Cindi can capture wiggly children and adults, fixing hair and double chins as requested.
This is also a great idea for engaged couples to have their silhouettes done together, for a family heirloom, and Cindi can do pets too ~ just bring in a printed profile photo of your pet to your appointment.
Price for the silhouettes- $35 for the original and $10 each additional copy. Cindi is able to do more than one child at a time or each child separately, your choice. The silhouette will be matted and framed while you wait, so you are able to take it with you. Frames range in price from around $14 to $35.
Appointments requested as the day fills up!
For more information please visit my website:
I will be updating this blog post all our upcoming silhouette dates here for your convenience looking forward to seeing friends, old & new!
11/22/2015 (Sun.) AUSTIN TEXAS Sweet Love & Sugar Britches in Downtown Round Rock, 106 South Mays Street - 3:00pm - 6 :00pm
12/4/15 Friday GALVESTON TEXAS Dickens on the Strand!! 2127 Strand (at the corner of 22nd and Strand) 3:30 - 6:30 pm
12/13/15 Friday BAY AREA Haute Mommies and Bella Babies, 477 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058 - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 281.282.9979

Cindi’s hand cut images take 2 minutes and last forever. C. H. Rose is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettist with intricate details. Children do not have to sit still. Cindi can capture wiggly children and adults, fixing hair and double chins as requested.
This is also a great idea for engaged couples to have their silhouettes done together, for a family heirloom, and Cindi can do pets too ~ just bring in a printed profile photo of your pet to your appointment.
Price for the silhouettes- $35 for the original and $10 each additional copy. Cindi is able to do more than one child at a time or each child separately, your choice. The silhouette will be matted and framed while you wait, so you are able to take it with you. Frames range in price from around $14 to $35.
Appointments requested as the day fills up!
For more information please visit my website:
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation: Changing lives, one surgery at a time.
Silhouettes of a Survivor of Cancer.
You have your silhouette of whom you are, what you can do, how you
can take life's challenges and inspire others.
When life gives you a challenge, you can pray and opportunities can come
to you. The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation 501 (c ) ( c ) offers free breast reconstruction, wigs,
higher education, out-reach, art classes to cancer survivors and their families.
Founded by renown professional silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, and her husband, plastic
and reconstructive surgeon, Franklin Rose MD, they have helped over 100 people, with over
1 million in free surgeries, wigs, inspiration, and education. Cindi, the favorite paper profilist
of modern, 20th, 21st century art cut portraits donates a huge percent to cancer survivors.
To arrange a silhouette function for cancer in your community, contact TheHollyRoseRibbon or Cindi's work is in art and she is available
to speak on positive ways to keep faith during critical challenges to wellness, and to do fund raisers
for your non-profit with her amazing art silhouettes which have made history.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Flawless Skin Secrets
By Cindi Harwood Rose
Owner of Utopia MedSpa, Uptown Park
Your skin is the largest living organ of your body. It is not an inert covering such as a glove placed on your hand. It has many functions. It is the body’s protective covering against the environment and it is also the body’s principal mechanism for maintaining the temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in which all our cells and body systems are adapted to function. Perspiration, liquid waste, is given off through the skin. Adults have an average of seven pounds of skin. If it were spread out flat, it would cover about nineteen square feet. Every inch is supplied with busy working cells and responsive nerves that keep your body and mind informed about your environment.
The skin is made of three layers of different cell types. The top layer is the epidermis, the thick middle layer is the dermis and the fatty bottom layer is the subcutis. Chinese medicine incorporates skin analysis to determine Yin or Yang deficiency, and lung disharmony.
Most people do not know how to take care of their skin. They have been brain-washed through modern marketers to buy expensive products that are laden with toxic mineral oils, preservatives, colorings, perfumes, and surface-drying alcohol. This actually clogs the outer skin, stopping it from breathing and releasing the wastes your body wants to discard. The alcohol dehydrates the skin. Its purpose is to prolong shelf life. The preservatives stop the natural products such as milk, egg, placenta, and fruit extracts from molding and rotting. Do you think your skin deserves a product that even bugs do not want?
Skin-care is an ancient 3,000-year-old science that has been around in all great civilizations. The American Indians rubbed their bodies with bear grease to keep their skin moist. They participated in sweats to rid the mind and body of toxic thoughts and blockages. The Greeks cleansed the skin by oiling it with plant oils, then scraping it off with wet bark, exfoliating their skin. The Egyptians soaked fragrant woods and resins in water and plant oils and rubbed their body and faces with the liquid. The Swedish took elaborate hot mineral baths and cold plunges to detox their skin and invigorate it. The Romans made their cold cream out of the natural organic oils. Coconut and nut oils have been used in tropical climates for thousands of years. The Orientals dry scrubbed their skin with seaweed, exfoliating it, and then moistened the epidermis with sesame oil. They soak in mineral waters laden with natural sulfurs and rub sweet almond oil and mint on the body to aid circulation. They have books on herbs such as Chan Tui (cicada husks) which are helpful for skin conditions. The Middle Eastern countries used the Olive oil for the face and hair. The French used hazelnut oil as a moisturizer. They used lavender oil on skin irritations. Only in the 1900’s, were these natural oils placed by mineral oils which are based from petroleum sludge, and are not only drying to the skin, they are poisonous. Strangely, they are in many products that we may think are safe such as Johnson’s Baby Oil, Vaseline, and Kiehl’s products. Other products such as Tiger’s Balm, Noxzema, Laura Mercier, Franche, and Aveda, have pure combinations of healthy ingredients.
Taking care of your skin involves more than just outer skin care. It involves feeding your skin from within. It is important to keep the body hydrated with six to eight glasses of water a day. If you live in a polluted climate, buy spring water. Stay away from caffeine. Try to eat natural uncooked vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as fish, eggs, seeds and nuts. Eliminate processed sugars and starches. Reduce your salt intake. Go for the whole grains found in brown rice and healthy organic flours such as kamut, barley, flaxseed, spelt, soy, and Brewer’s Yeast. Exercise tones and tightens the skin. Endermologie (a machine that exercises the skin), massage, and water therapy, all aid to skin appeal. For glowing skin, sleep is important as well as vitamins. Vitamins and minerals known to help the skin include the following: Vitamin A, B Complex, C, E, Calcium/Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q 10, L-Glutamine, Omega-3, omega 6 oils, folic acid, Pycnogenol, and fish oil. Dermatologist, Dr. Margaret Waisman, feels that skin care truly does start from within.
Skin care is really simple. Your skin is an organ and it breathes. For this to happen, the epidermis needs to be clean and exfoliated. That way the wastes can be eliminated and your natural oils can shine through. Your skin should “glow”. After it is cleaned, if your skin is not too dry, the outer surface should be toned, and then moisturized if it is not too oily. If you add moisturizer on top of clogged pores, you will clog them more and either break out with pimples. . Heavy products stop your skin from breathing.
Exfoliation can be done in many ways. It can be done with products that contain glycolic acid or fruit peels. Microdermabrasion can be done at a spa. You can have a skin peel at a dermatologist or physician. Did you know that these treatments are really just a way to get rid of the dead skin? They are effective but are costly in time and money. To put natural vitamin C and a natural fruit acid into your skin, you can rub the inside of an orange peel on your face for two minutes, and take 500 mg. of vitamin C a day. Microdermabrason is just a grain scrub made of crystals (salt is a crystal), pieces of loofa or sand rubbed around your face and neck in circular motions. Scrub your own face and save over $1,000! You can buy a nice honey-almond granular scrub (be sure it is alcohol free) for around $20 or make your own. Use finely ground nuts, cornmeal, or oat bran, a little water and honey and make a thick paste. Scrub your face and neck with circular motions for around a minute and one half. Rinse off with warm water, then splash cold water on your face and neck. For a toner, take a half-tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a half tablespoon of witch hazel, a tablespoon of aloe Vera juice, to six ounces of spring water. This will keep. Do not tone skin that is too dry.
Home facial treatments include steaming the skin to open the pores and to release blackheads. You can actually boil tea bags, and stand about six to eight inches above the steam for three minutes. Next, entry rub your skin with one or more of the following ingredients, oatmeal, ground nut meal, poppy seeds, cornmeal, with an equal part of honey. Rinse off with cool water. Then place egg white on your face (including the eyelids) and neck. Leave this on for several minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Finally, add cucumber slices to your eyelids and relax for five minutes. You will experience an instant face-lift as well as glowing skin! To make this an oxygen facial, just add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to your grain scrub.
Mashed avocado is used in South Africa to soften the skin. Papaya is used in Hawaii on sunburnt skin as well as insect bites. Oatmeal and water is placed on skin rashes in Mexico, Germany, and the United States. Tomato juice with a garlic infusion can be used on skin that is prone to breakout. Hemorrhoid cream has been used on puffy eyelids, blemishes, and cellulite, all for on the spot reducing! So can sliced raw potatoes. Any of the following oils are great to use as a moisturizer: sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, flaxseed oil, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil, and vitamin E oil.
It is an exquisite thought to realize that nature can nourish your skin allowing you to put “your best face forward.”
Sunday, October 4, 2015
How to hire silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose
Forgive me for being mysterious. I have noticed on many of my blogs, website, YouTube, Pinterest, I really don't tell you how to contact me for an event, wedding, corporate function, school fundraiser, or silhouette home-party. I travel all over America, The USA, Europe, for you! If I am not available, then, I can suggest another silhouette artist. There are only a few ones in the world that do quality, groupings, and hand-cut profiles from sight. To contact me, just e-mail or join SilhouettesbyCindiFacebook, see my schedule, and schedule your own event. If you want your children's silhouettes, they don't have to be sit still. If you want one for your wedding, I will make sure you love it. Happy silhouette skies, love, profiles, mission statements, and heart filled days. Love, Cindi Harwood Rose, your silhouette friend, lover of art, healthy living, and giving love to the universe. Silhouette artists for hire by silhouette artist Cindi Rose
Forgive me for being mysterious. I have noticed on many of my blogs, website, YouTube, Pinterest, I really don't tell you how to contact me for an event, wedding, corporate function, school fundraiser, or silhouette home-party. I travel all over America, The USA, Europe, for you! If I am not available, then, I can suggest another silhouette artist. There are only a few ones in the world that do quality, groupings, and hand-cut profiles from sight. To contact me, just e-mail or join SilhouettesbyCindiFacebook, see my schedule, and schedule your own event. If you want your children's silhouettes, they don't have to be sit still. If you want one for your wedding, I will make sure you love it. Happy silhouette skies, love, profiles, mission statements, and heart filled days. Love, Cindi Harwood Rose, your silhouette friend, lover of art, healthy living, and giving love to the universe. Silhouette artists for hire by silhouette artist Cindi Rose
Friday, September 11, 2015
Dating and being with the partner you want -- how to spot fake dates from the real deal!
How do you know if "they are really into you". Dating advise from the woman who got the one she wanted and he chased me until I let him catch me!
It does not matter who you are interested in. Everyone likes to feel emotionally connected with a partner. With social media dating, or introductions to possible future "I DO" candidates, how do you spot the fake date from the real deal, or do you want to?
There is a point in many people's lives that they like the chase and the feeling of the "kiss before the kiss". Relationships can be fickle. In some cites like New York City and Los Angeles, people play longer before they commit to marriage, or a relationship with a major other human individual. Yes, many who can't have relationships with humans do have them (we are not talking sexual, so please, don't get confused) with their pets. Pets love you no matter what! You feed them, and sometimes walk them, and you both know the scoop.
So here is my dating scoop on how to spot a connection-- after you meet them and if their B.S. (Texas word for Bull Shit) is real or actually skinking bad.
If they (we are talking men to women) say, the words honey, baby, sweetie, babe, forget them. They throw those words out too freely. Unless you want to be freely not appreciated.
If the woman does not look you in the eyes (woman to man or woman to woman) and they look away from you while you talk, use their cell phone, have to bring another girlfriend always with you-- they are not into you.
If the person is nervous and is folding and squeezing their hands and playing with their hair, that means, they are just nervous! If you like them, hold their hand for a moment. . . a moment!
When they want to talk only about their selves, the best you can do is listen and see if that self they are talking about is interesting, or is merely an ego needing a huge stroke. Decide worth it or not worth it?
If you like anything about the other person (their eyes, the way they dressed, a book they read, their fragrance) don't hesitate to tell them. They may feel you are not nice if you don't address the obvious, even if you like their roaring great laugh!
When they are into you, don't worry if you don't hear from them for a day, not even if you think they should text a minimum. Some people are very shy, busy or don't know how great you are. If three days pass, they are not interested in you. Move on! If they call you two weeks later, don't ask questions, like "duh, where have you been", be perky, short on conversation and see if they want to meet you again. Keep texts and conversations short, so they want to know you in person. If they don't make a plan at that point (and just called to string you along somehow) cross them off your list and move on!
If you have any questions about dating, please leave me a response. My advise works no matter what type of person we are dealing with. Please be aware of the person who does not make any eye contact. You can not trust someone who does not look you in the eyes!
That is my realationship advise, from your psychic silhouette artist and guru of life, love, and relationships, Cindi Cinderella Rose. Here is me and my cute bald husband,, and life partner!
Father of our two children, and soul-mate from Colorado.
It does not matter who you are interested in. Everyone likes to feel emotionally connected with a partner. With social media dating, or introductions to possible future "I DO" candidates, how do you spot the fake date from the real deal, or do you want to?
There is a point in many people's lives that they like the chase and the feeling of the "kiss before the kiss". Relationships can be fickle. In some cites like New York City and Los Angeles, people play longer before they commit to marriage, or a relationship with a major other human individual. Yes, many who can't have relationships with humans do have them (we are not talking sexual, so please, don't get confused) with their pets. Pets love you no matter what! You feed them, and sometimes walk them, and you both know the scoop.
So here is my dating scoop on how to spot a connection-- after you meet them and if their B.S. (Texas word for Bull Shit) is real or actually skinking bad.
If they (we are talking men to women) say, the words honey, baby, sweetie, babe, forget them. They throw those words out too freely. Unless you want to be freely not appreciated.
If the woman does not look you in the eyes (woman to man or woman to woman) and they look away from you while you talk, use their cell phone, have to bring another girlfriend always with you-- they are not into you.
If the person is nervous and is folding and squeezing their hands and playing with their hair, that means, they are just nervous! If you like them, hold their hand for a moment. . . a moment!
When they want to talk only about their selves, the best you can do is listen and see if that self they are talking about is interesting, or is merely an ego needing a huge stroke. Decide worth it or not worth it?
If you like anything about the other person (their eyes, the way they dressed, a book they read, their fragrance) don't hesitate to tell them. They may feel you are not nice if you don't address the obvious, even if you like their roaring great laugh!
When they are into you, don't worry if you don't hear from them for a day, not even if you think they should text a minimum. Some people are very shy, busy or don't know how great you are. If three days pass, they are not interested in you. Move on! If they call you two weeks later, don't ask questions, like "duh, where have you been", be perky, short on conversation and see if they want to meet you again. Keep texts and conversations short, so they want to know you in person. If they don't make a plan at that point (and just called to string you along somehow) cross them off your list and move on!
If you have any questions about dating, please leave me a response. My advise works no matter what type of person we are dealing with. Please be aware of the person who does not make any eye contact. You can not trust someone who does not look you in the eyes!
That is my realationship advise, from your psychic silhouette artist and guru of life, love, and relationships, Cindi Cinderella Rose. Here is me and my cute bald husband,, and life partner!
Father of our two children, and soul-mate from Colorado.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Being a super power-house woman and home-maker for Thanksgiving to baby showers!
You go girl!
It does not matter girlfriend, if you work on Wall Street or No street, you can always
use your creativity to make every moment special. Gifts of the heart are the most precious
of all. That being said, I have posted two photos of creative DIY ideas. The first is a great way
to decorate and make Thanksgiving beautiful and thankful. In the top photo, silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose presents an organic turkey to her family with centerpieces made from craft shop flowers torn apart and glued on napkin rings. Bowls of bountiful fruit are on the tables with cute
Thanksgiving themed pieces bought at Tuesday Morning nearly a year before the magazine shoot.
That is the best time to get themed items for decorations and to store them to make a smart table.
Side dishes included a tofurky made with ginger, soy, and sesame, fresh green beans with tomatoes and onions simmered in water and oil, pumpkin/carrot soup, sliced oranges with cinnamon and rose water, brown rice with truffle oil, a fresh salad, chopped kale salad with cranberries and pine nuts, tossed with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. . . and more and more!
Diaper cake for baby gift topped with Madam Alexander Doll. This is not so difficult, it takes a pie pan and rubber bands, ribbons and cute gifts. Go on line and read tutorials and make your own. I actually went on a diaper cake rage and made about 6 for different friends little babies, and now, am over it. However, it was a smashing hit each time. The great part is giving them little t-shirts, socks, banks, baby books, and things the mom and dad really can use. Blow this photo up and peek at what is there. I also put nice scrapbooking decorations all around it and used the ribbons to cover up the rubber bands that held the diapers together. I think home-made gifts (with good things in them) are always appreciated. I can tell you, that creating also is a good way to not worry about silly things, and to go into your zin-happy guru safe place of love. Love to you for your heartfelt gifts to the world. Love, Silhouette Cindi!
Cucumber eye pack Green Tea and Lipton Tea Baggy eye removers!
Cucumbers are known to reduce baggy eyes, just like the potato is!
So, is the caffine tea bag (wet), green tea or Lipton's tea bags!
Regardless, all these methods require spritzing the eye area first.
Lying down with either the cucumber, potato slice, or wet tea bag on your eyes for 10 minutes.
You will see a difference, right away!
You will also see the red in your whites go away with the caffine in the tea bags!
It will give your eyes energy!
Marilyn Monroe was known to use cucumber eye masks for her lovely sparkling eyes!
Especially with her many hang-overs since we know she loved her bubbly!
Cucumbers are known to reduce baggy eyes, just like the potato is!
So, is the caffine tea bag (wet), green tea or Lipton's tea bags!
Regardless, all these methods require spritzing the eye area first.
Lying down with either the cucumber, potato slice, or wet tea bag on your eyes for 10 minutes.
You will see a difference, right away!
You will also see the red in your whites go away with the caffine in the tea bags!
It will give your eyes energy!
Marilyn Monroe was known to use cucumber eye masks for her lovely sparkling eyes!
Especially with her many hang-overs since we know she loved her bubbly!
Beauty Eye Treatment
Raw potato slices help your puffy eyes. You need a potato and a knife!Slice 6 very thin potato slices.
Spritz the eye area with purified water.
Lying down, place the slices on your lids and bags.
Leave this for at least 10 minutes for best results!
Here is a photo after a potato treatment (now with make-up) of me, over 50 years old.
My glowing skin is from Bentonite clay masks, which I will tell you about later!
A good night's sleep always helps too.
Good night, from your Silhouette Guru, lover of the light.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
How to cut a paper silhouette
Wedding Silhouette Artist "I Do!"

Weddings can be wonderful, white like snow, or pure like a sacred heart.
They can also be stressful.
Most people are on a budget.
One of the most reasonable and unique ideas is to have a REAL silhouette artist at your wedding.
Cindi Harwood Rose, is that rare find! She does the lost heirloom art of cutting portraits from
thin paper in miniature. At weddings she often does two to them, one for each guest and one
for the guest book. We had the pleasure in New York City to have Cindi at our wedding, after
we watched her do silhouettes in Austin, Texas! She is so detailed, and spot-on! Plus,
she made us all feel special at the same time, keeping a perky, nice personality.
Some how she did all 150 of our guests in the 4 hour time we hired her.
For fun, we made other cute silhouette logos-- on mugs, and swoozies. I was able
to hire her from her SilhouettesbyCindiFacebook. It is a great idea. Say, "I do",
say "yes", and say, "here comes the bride, groom, and all the happy guests!"

Authentic silhouette artists are an extinct breed! Cindi Harwood is revising the art!
Silhouete artist Cindi Rose happened upon the art of silhouette cutting freehand, while drawing portraits for a Disney art company. She saw a unique hand-profile cutting artist and did not think his skills were as expert as they could be. The teen took to his surgical scissors and tiny, thin, paper and gave it a try. The park manager was so impressed, teen-aged Cindi was offered the spot as the "official silhouette artist!" At that time, nearly 40 years ago, there were only 13 silhouette artists known in the world. Today, there are 38 to 58 of which Cindi Harwood Rose is recognized as the leading and best silhouette artist. Her name is featured in The Guild of Papercutters and Wikipedia, and she holds the world-record in speed. The history of silhouettes (last example which is not Cindi's work) comes from the Victorian era. Harwood Rose is popular at business conventions, holiday parties, children's stores, schools, and silhouette fund-raisers and especially at weddings. She works in New York City, Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, and Aspen. Cindi often works around the USA for Presidential homes and to give speeches on the history of silhouette art. Her work in speed and accuracy is unmatched. She also donates her time to children's hospitals to make the children feel happy, and to give the family a gift. For more information see of the
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015
Cinderella (Aschenputtel) - Lotte Reiniger (1922) from
The art
The history of animation can be traced to the silhouettes of Lotte Reiniger.
The shadow can show mood, and often expresses more than a figure with
details. Walt Disney was especially fond of the silhouettes by Reiniger. She
would sit for hours, weeks, days, years to make a cartoon, moving her paper
cuttings and taking a photo of them. Much of the world thinks that Lotte
Reiniger invented movie cartoons.
Lotte Reiniger - Papageno - (1935).m4v
Silhouette artworks in cinema and cartoons!
Lotte Reiniger's silhouette cut-outs are astounding and
extraordinary. The silhouette theme began in Turkish
shadow puppets, with a religious undertone, using the
soul as the theme of a shadow. Walt Disney was inspired
to make his first cartoons from silhouette artist Lotte Reiniger.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Meet World’s Most Renown Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose
Start a tradition in your family with one-of-a-kind silhouette keepsakes – a stylish, personal silhouette, by collectible artist Cindi, that will escalate in value in time.
Meet the World’s Fastest, Most Skilled, and Most Renown Professional Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose at Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Sunday, September 27th 11:30 am – 4:00 pm and help benefit children’s hospital arts via Silhouettes for Survivors. Read more about this program sponsored by the Holly Rose Ribbon foundation:
With a great selection of toys & gifts for children of all ages, enjoy great shopping and watch the amazingly talented and world-famous Cindi Rose create a likeness of your child in minutes that will be treasured for a lifetime.
Foremost silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will be available to capture you and your loved ones in her heirloom artwork in Austin at Brilliant Sky Toys & Books on Sunday, September 27th 11:30 am – 4:00 pm
Austin, TX 78746
Pre-Registration & a $10 deposit is required to reserve your spot.
Don’t miss the opportunity to have your child’s Silhouette done by the amazingly talented, professional silhouette artist Cindi Rose. This is a perfect and unique gift for aunts, uncles, grandparents and a cherished family keepsake.
Pet Silhouettes
Cindi’s hand cut images take 2 minutes and last forever. C. H. Rose is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettist with intricate details. Children do not have to sit still. Cindi can capture wiggly children and adults, fixing hair and double chins as requested.
This is also a great idea for engaged couples to have their silhouettes done together, for a family heirloom, and Cindi can do pets too ~ just bring in a printed profile photo of your pet to your appointment.
Price for the silhouettes- $35 for the original and $10 each additional copy. Cindi is able to do more than one child at a time or each child separately, your choice. The silhouette will be matted and framed while you wait, so you are able to take it with you. Frames range in price from around $14 to $35.
Appointments requested as the day fills up!
Never settle for less than the best, have a hand-cut silhouette by 4th generation fine artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, former Disney top artist, to benefit hospital art programs and children affected by critical illness. Proceeds benefit Silhouettes for survivors – learn more about the program here:
Have America’s best paper profilist Cindi Rose hand-cut a flattering likeness of you, your child, or loved one for a unique heirloom gift that will be cherished forever. Cindi, a natural artist has drawn portraits since a child, and cut silhouettes for Disney as a teen, she is the world’s fastest and most accurate silhouettes, descended from generations of established artists. Rose honed her talents as a child drawing portraits and at 15 years old discovered that she could look at a person, and capture each profile feature (in a flattering and stylish point-of-view) in a minute or less, making her the world’s fastest authentic silhouette artist in all history. She is also the best with unmatched details and an intuitive twist. She has traveled the world, cutting silhouettes for Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali, President Obama, President Bush, Queen Elizabeth, Dr. Phil, Tony Bennett, Elvis Costello, Liberace, Patricia Arquette, Ashley Judd, and many other celebrities.
Cost is $35 per person, Extra copies are just $10 per person.
Cindi Rose, a third generation fine artist, has done silhouettes over 35 years, and is considered theworld’s fastest, most accurate premier silhouette artist. Please view Cindi’s videos on Youtube: For more information and booking information please visit
Monday, August 24, 2015
How to make your own wedding silhouettes for your theme!
Having a wedding?
Hire a professional silhouette artist or make your own DIY Premier American silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, does lovely silhouettes of guests at weddings! Silhouettes are beautiful for your wedding invitations and can be done in any color!
You can look on the web, and find a silhouette artist to make your invitation. It is a fun touch if you hire one to entertain at the wedding event. Look at the Guild of Papercutters to see the featured silhouette artist, or where one lives in your area. Silhouette artists will travel if you book them. They need not live near you. Professional silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will even travel to other countries!
To make your own wedding silhouettes, take profile photos of one another, or have them made. Find the color paper you like. Cut the photo out, carefully. Draw what you cut out as a stencil on the colored paper you selected. Use nice barber scissors or embroidery scissors to cut out the shapes. Mount them, and enjoy!
Authentic silhouette artists in the 20th century normally worked in amusement parks, or World Fairs. Often, even on the streets of Paris. They all can draw portraits, and like history, they learned that cutting a profile of a person, from head to toe, sideways in profile, often can get a quicker, and more satisfying result. Don't be fooled, when done correctly, this art is the hardest fine art to master. That is why we rarely see a real silhouette artist, who does not sketch the work first, use a projector, or light to trace a shadow. The artist can literally draw with scissors. Check out Wikipedia's great article on silhouette artists! Althoug check Peggy McClard antiques to get a wonderful history, there is one on where art historian of silhouettes and Cindi Harwood Rose write an interesting history of silhouette art and history of silhouette artists together. Or, you can get a professional silhouette artist to do one for you, such as the ones I did below. They vary in price to do full-length silhouettes, and are not that expensive. It is worth it to have the signed original. You may have a great investment for the future, with the real silhouette artist's signature. However, the DIY is something to be proud of too, and in that case, sign your own work, and invest in your marriage!
Hire a professional silhouette artist or make your own DIY Premier American silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, does lovely silhouettes of guests at weddings! Silhouettes are beautiful for your wedding invitations and can be done in any color!
You can look on the web, and find a silhouette artist to make your invitation. It is a fun touch if you hire one to entertain at the wedding event. Look at the Guild of Papercutters to see the featured silhouette artist, or where one lives in your area. Silhouette artists will travel if you book them. They need not live near you. Professional silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose will even travel to other countries!
To make your own wedding silhouettes, take profile photos of one another, or have them made. Find the color paper you like. Cut the photo out, carefully. Draw what you cut out as a stencil on the colored paper you selected. Use nice barber scissors or embroidery scissors to cut out the shapes. Mount them, and enjoy!
Authentic silhouette artists in the 20th century normally worked in amusement parks, or World Fairs. Often, even on the streets of Paris. They all can draw portraits, and like history, they learned that cutting a profile of a person, from head to toe, sideways in profile, often can get a quicker, and more satisfying result. Don't be fooled, when done correctly, this art is the hardest fine art to master. That is why we rarely see a real silhouette artist, who does not sketch the work first, use a projector, or light to trace a shadow. The artist can literally draw with scissors. Check out Wikipedia's great article on silhouette artists! Althoug check Peggy McClard antiques to get a wonderful history, there is one on where art historian of silhouettes and Cindi Harwood Rose write an interesting history of silhouette art and history of silhouette artists together. Or, you can get a professional silhouette artist to do one for you, such as the ones I did below. They vary in price to do full-length silhouettes, and are not that expensive. It is worth it to have the signed original. You may have a great investment for the future, with the real silhouette artist's signature. However, the DIY is something to be proud of too, and in that case, sign your own work, and invest in your marriage!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Ten ways to gain friends
1. Think of others, not yourself, ask how they are, and don't spend too much time talking about yourself.
2. Never upstage your friends, they may be jealous of you. Always be authentic, who wants fake friends anyway.
3. Write real thank-you notes for anything that another may have done. If the note is home-made it is better, you can buy cute scrapbook items and personalize the note!
4. Be there when people need you. If the friend is sick, bring food and ask what they eat, or offer to run errands for them. Pitch in on their special occasions. At the least, send an e-mail, you are thinking of them.
5. Never let them borrow anything. That creates un-real boundaries, and they will fill that they need to use you. Explain that it is a rule of yours not to borrow (except for the wedding by tradition or from a family member) as you may ruin it or they may not return it. If you visit them, bring a gift, help buy gas, groceries, or take the to dinner. Try not to over-stay your welcome, unless you are the "baby-sitter". In that case, are they using you?
6. Do "you validaton" think of their best qualities and compliment them for them. Do this to yourself, too.
7. Invite them out for lunch or coffee, or better yet, a meal at your home.
8. Don't tell their secrets to anyone, be careful about telling your secrets to them.
9. Stay upbeat but listen and emphasize with their journey. Often a good friend needs a "bitch body buddy" someone to complain to. If they do too much of that, you may want to rethink them, are they addicted to distress? What can fix them? Offer prayer and spirituality.
10. If they hurt your feelings explain in an honest way that you like them, but not the way it appeared that they acted, that it made you feel awkward, and hurt your feelings.
A true friend is a jewel, and will sparkle when it is clean.
How to attract the perfect mate
How to attract the perfect soul-mate, by someone who did!
Make your checklist and be specific.
Remember you want someone kind, honest, and caring.
You don't want someone already married.
You normally want someone dependable.
You want someone who will not mind if you gain 10 pounds or lose 10 pounds.
You want someone who will hold a job, and be dependable, if you want a family.
You do want someone with equal interests.
To attract them, show energy, shining in your eyes.
Try to be fit and slim.
Go to unique seminars, healthy grocery stores and Starbucks to work.
Never have too many friends around, that scares people.
Look busy, like you are writing a book, or sketching.
Meet people at the guy, working out at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.
Go to book stores.
Take classes on Jung, or photography, or take cooking lessons.
Dress conservative, yet sexy.
Never look too make-up.
Make sure they are not depressed, this is cute at first but they will be sinking you with them.
Keep your hair and nails clean.
Try to read The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Go to film screenings, art auctions, art shows, car shows.
Smell like vanilla, or cookies.
Go to horse races and shows.
To to boat shows.
Make sure to make shinning eye contact, a quick smile and turn away,
If you are at a public event, you can ask the person what they thought of the speaker.
Try not to look stupid by posing for too many selfies and photos of yourself.
If you want someone successful, you need to be successful and working.
Show are unique, go to the Jung center or take a mind-expanding course.
It is easy to meet someone if you are beautiful, so walk like you are.
Someone who loves their parents normally makes a good partner.
Don't be over-picky, s we are all human.
Best wishes, there is no luck, but there is destiny, deliberation, and determination.
Make your checklist and be specific.
Remember you want someone kind, honest, and caring.
You don't want someone already married.
You normally want someone dependable.
You want someone who will not mind if you gain 10 pounds or lose 10 pounds.
You want someone who will hold a job, and be dependable, if you want a family.
You do want someone with equal interests.
To attract them, show energy, shining in your eyes.
Try to be fit and slim.
Go to unique seminars, healthy grocery stores and Starbucks to work.
Never have too many friends around, that scares people.
Look busy, like you are writing a book, or sketching.
Meet people at the guy, working out at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.
Go to book stores.
Take classes on Jung, or photography, or take cooking lessons.
Dress conservative, yet sexy.
Never look too make-up.
Make sure they are not depressed, this is cute at first but they will be sinking you with them.
Keep your hair and nails clean.
Try to read The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Go to film screenings, art auctions, art shows, car shows.
Smell like vanilla, or cookies.
Go to horse races and shows.
To to boat shows.
Make sure to make shinning eye contact, a quick smile and turn away,
If you are at a public event, you can ask the person what they thought of the speaker.
Try not to look stupid by posing for too many selfies and photos of yourself.
If you want someone successful, you need to be successful and working.
Show are unique, go to the Jung center or take a mind-expanding course.
It is easy to meet someone if you are beautiful, so walk like you are.
Someone who loves their parents normally makes a good partner.
Don't be over-picky, s we are all human.
Best wishes, there is no luck, but there is destiny, deliberation, and determination.
The silhouette artwork is wonderful on invitatons and logos.
The best works are done by silhouette artists which you can google, on see on Bing, Yahoo, AOL, or working at events. The computer and wall traced silhouettes are flat, and do not show personality. You can contact the silhouette artists and have them do invitations, but don't use the simple ones that do them by computer as they will look trite and will be out-of-proportion. It is best for a skilled former Disney silhouette artist to hand-cut your profile. Many of the silhouette artists will ship directly to you. I work by events, and if hired to do a silhouette for a wedding, event, Bat Mitzvah, business convention store fashion event, Wedding silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose can to send you logo silhouettes of the bride and groom to use for your invitations. Just go to If I am not available, I can tell you which woman will do a great job for you. We even work in the UK and Dubai!
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