Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!
Award winning silhouette artist Cindi Rose gives life tips on beauty, fashion, love, and silhouette art and history. She is the best wedding silhouette artist for your wedding reception, and a life-style coach.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Silhouette Artist's history for USA, Canada, and Europe
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
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Type: Silhouettes
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Cindi Harwood Rose
Cindi Harwood Rose
Cindi Harwood Rose designs remarkable black and white silhouettes made from paper. Cindi began snipping her way to stardom at the age of 16. Her career began at Astroworld, in Houston, which eventually took her to Disney World and Disneyland. Cindi is considered the world's premier silhouette artist, and has sheared celebrities such as Elvis, Liberace, Mama Cass, Queen Elizabeth, Sammy Davis, Peter Fonda, Barbara Bush and Tony Bennett.
Cindi is also a co-founder of the Rose Ribbon Foundation where she creates custom "Silhouettes For Survivors," which are available for purchase. All Silhouette proceeds are dedicated to helping uninsured breast cancer survivors receive free reconstructive surgery.
Rose Ribbin Foundation
Rose Ribbin Foundation
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
In a family of three girls, Cindi grew up in Houston and attended Bellaire High, where she was editor of the paper and studied advanced art. Her father was a lawyer, and her mother, and interior designer. "My mother was selected to be a runway model with Ford Agency, but she opted to do work for Dad. She had very beautiful taste."
She was always introspective, always writing poetry and with a sketch pad in her hand. Her artistic bent won her awards in poetry and art contests. "Friends began asking me to draw them, and I never turned anyone away. Soon people were calling me to ask if they could commision me"
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Her grandfather was an orthodix Jewish rabbi in Houston and Galveston. Her dad believed in comparative religion, so she could pick the oneness of her religion, which for her was Judaism -- people connecting, loving one another, working together, not apart.
Cindi worked her way through college by doing silhouettes for customers at Astroworld. There she taught herself to handcut silhouettes, the ancient French way of looking and cutting, without preliminary sketches, in one minute or less. With talent and speed going for her, Rose broke speed and production records. After college graduation, she went to work at Disneyworld in Florida, where she did more than 600 silhouettes a day, including ones of Mohammed Ali, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr., and others. It was at Disnyworld that she changed her name from Cindy to Cindi at their suggestion. She loved it and never changed it back.
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose
Cindi Harwood Rose
Eventually, she began cutting silhouettes for Neiman Marcus, Foley's, Joske's, Saks, Dillards, Lord & Taylor, Kaufman's (in Pittsburg), the Europec in London, and on the BBC TV show, Blue Peter. She set her world speed record in San Antonio for the Express News which timed it. She cut 144 silhouettes in one hour breaking her own record she se the previous year of 133 silhouetts in one hour.
In 1982 Cindi maried a local plastic surgeon, Franklin Rose. Since then she has become an asset to her husbands business. Now during her silhouette cutting sessions, Cindi will show her customers how they might improve after cosmetic surgery. If they like what they see, she refers them on to her husband.
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi and her husband Franklin, have two children, Erica and Ben.
Cindi donates most of her work today to charity. She has cut silhouettes pro bono for the following charities: Alley Theatre, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston Ballet Academy, Planned Parenthood (Orlando), The River, Orchestra X, University of Texas, A & M, Moore's School of Music, Cystic Fibrosis, Unicef, TheFood Bank, Casa de Esperanza, American Diabetes, and over 28 schools, synagogues, and churches.
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
In 2009, Cindi and her daughter Erica won the TV reality show, The Great Raise. Cindi cut silhouettes to raise money for The Food Bank, and Casa de Esperanza (orphanage) to win the "raise" part of the Texas reality show competition, that aired in a 2 part, 4 hour special.
Cindi is a graduate of University of Texas with a double major in fine art and journalism, and has studied art at Glassell School (silhouettes in bronze and aluminum), Anderson Ranch (silhouettes in pottery), and in France.
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Cindi Harwood Rose Silhouette Cutting
Scissors featured artist
Cindi Harwood Rose
Scissors references
The reproductions of all materials displayed here are not to be duplicated for personal use, for distribution or for sale. All rights are reserved by the authors and violators of these rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
This site is brought to you in cooperation with the Guild of American Papercutters (GAP).
Many thanks to Silhouette Portraits and Silhouettes of You for their support and inspiration.
Total visitors: 28913

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Monday, September 24, 2018
DC, Dallas, Delaware, Detroit, Denver, Silhouette artist Cindi is in high DEMAND
DC, Virginia, Philly, New England, Dallas silhouette snip artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, gives SHADE
DC Distinguished, the palatial presented purposely. . .
Once called Shades, the ever-popular silhouette rendering of a form or contour, can be done
in 50 shades of face-ons. However, when done properly, as seen at a recent DC wedding by
Cindi Harwood Rose, it goes deep into your outside and inside, in her intricate art cut-outs.
The Queen of silhouettes in the award winning, documentary, "Silhouette Secrets",
Cutting a silhouette from a person, in a few minutes, freehand, without a sketch is exciting to watch.
Astute silhouettes are done with an insightful eye, skilled hand, and intuitive mind.
Beautiful silhouettes are also seen at the Lightner Museum in Augustine, Florida, by silhouettest, Jeanie Owen. Silhouette artist Cindi Rose hand-cuts profiles in an itinerant way, to have strong public outreach, adding performance to her artworks.
Cindi Rose silhouette philosophy is based on the principles of gift exchange discussed in Lewis Hyde's seminal work, the Gift. Some artists will do silhouette profiles from pictures and by mail-order including Tim Arnold and Kathryn Flocken, who have mastered the art intricately. The all black silhouette, often seen in England and France is quicker to cut and mount at parties, it is less delicate. Often, it creates a very bold statement and a buzz of fun. European artists like to move around at parties, and not sit from one table, cutting faces.

Cindi's sister, Holly Harwood also hand-cut silhouettes at Disney World, and other charming events. She battled stage 4 cancer, and in her honor Cindi formed a non-profit The Holly Rose Ribbon Foundation for children and adult cancers and their families.
Artist, Clay Rice, has heart warming cut-paper books, with lyrics and music he performs nationwide. A silhouette artist at a private store can help retail stay alive, especially if they have the store ring up sales, and they offer a percent of earnings back to the store. Most silhouette artists offer retail operations and schools 15 to 25 percent of sales. Cindi says she tries to help private business stay alive by offering her live performance silhouette portraits, for them to profit from. She works a room in the European style, and also will dress in period attire, for Hamilton-style events.
At weddings, Cindi's silhouettes take the cake.
Cindi often silhouettes at corporate and fashion events as donations to hospital arts for cancer children. Google, Dell, and Microsoft have had Cindi scissors cut portraits live at conferences.
To cut a real likeness from merely looking, is a talent. Cindi has snipped portraits in silhouette over 35 years! The example below are some of Cindi Rose's own children, hand-cut by her 28 year's ago. www.http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org
Cindi often silhouettes at corporate and fashion events as donations to hospital arts for cancer children. Google, Dell, and Microsoft have had Cindi scissors cut portraits live at conferences.
To cut a real likeness from merely looking, is a talent. Cindi has snipped portraits in silhouette over 35 years! The example below are some of Cindi Rose's own children, hand-cut by her 28 year's ago. www.http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org
The "lost art" method of silhouette arts includes examining a person's contour, as a line drawing, and using the interior of scissors to carve a likeness, on-the-spot, without a prior sketch. In the photo below, in the Charlottesville, Va., home of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, Cindi Harwood hand-cuts silhouettes at the world heritage museum, research institute, and presidential library, a private, non-profit organization. www.http://www.hollyroseribbon.org A popular house tour of the Monticello mansion now includes the cabin of John and Priscilla Hemings, who were enslaved, on MulberryRow. Gabriella Demczuk and Farah Stockman wrote a striking story about the new exhibit, featuring the "open secret" dedicated to Sally Hemings, who bore the founding father's children at the palatial plantation.
Cindi Harwood Rose has silhouetted for the Sarah and James Polk Museum, outside Nashville, to raise money for historical heritage as a fundraiser, several times. When asked where Cindi is based, she explains that a silhouette artist is not always based. She finds her bookings to be anywhere on the globe. This past 12 months she has silhouetted in Chicago, NYC, Atlanta, San Diego, Austin, Dallas, Miami, Philadelphia, Boston, Scottsdale, Las Vegas, DC, Reston, San Antonio, Houston, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Beaumont, Los Angeles, Sunnyvale, New Jersey, Aspen, Charleston, Denver, Boulder, Sedona, San Jose, Augusta, Phoenix, Cleveland, Mountain View, Toronto, Bonita Springs, Memphis, Nashville, and many other cities. Her passion includes all art forms and is fondest of oil painting. Here, Cindi has hand-cut a popular Asian style paper-cut, normally done with a blade.
She supports all paper cutting arts through not-for-profit Guild of American Papercutters, or GAP, which incorporates hand-cut paper arts from cultures around the world. They can be joined for a small donation. You can easily Google their comprehensive website.
Silhouettists or Shade artists should be able to travel to offer the art to many people, and for a multitude of occasions. Thus, Ms. Cindi is seen carving lovely profiles in paper, by hand, world-wide.
Her booking calendar, included a 29 city tour for Hermes Fragrance in the world's best department stores from the North Coast to the West Coast, to the East and South Coasts, to department stores, museums, private parties, corporate events, fundraisers, and charity events. She laughs and says, "Have scissors, will travel."
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
The World's Most Famous Silhouette Artist
Five ways to ace an interview
1. Make sure you are qualified! Show up 10 minutes early, with three resumes printed on good linen paper on hand.
2. Let them talk first. Listen and answer their questions. It is your interview too, ask questions such as where do you see your company going in the next five years, do not ask about your vacations, and time-off!
3. Be clean, and dress smart. You don't have to look wealthy, but please, have clean fingernails (unless your want to be a car mechanic), clean orderly clothes, and washed hair. Sit with your hands on your laps, and don't let them fly around or play with your hair as you speak.
4. Be confident. Let them know you work hard and are easy to get along with. People want team players. Do not talk, politics or religion. Unless, you are being hired by a political group or a religious group!
5. Thanks them for the interview. If they like you, they normally have someone else meet you that day, if it is a large office and they tell you when they will be in touch with you again.
It's that easy! Most important, be confident of your skills, talents, and what you can bring to them, that they need, how you can make their business better, and smarter. silhouettesbycindi.com
Famous silhouette art, famed silhouette artists, famous silhouettes, artsy silhouette talk, cutting-up with you!
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Cindi snips this flower-girl's portrait in 30 seconds freehand, without a camera or light, or pre-sketch |
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Snow White, by Olly Moss, Mirror Mirror on the wall-- you are the fairest of them all! |
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Modern-style Auguste Edouart by Cindi Rose of an engaged couple for their wedding decor |
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Kara Walker, she Sees the unspeakable, read the book by Gwendolyn Dubois Shaw! |
Cindi Harwood Rose, The World's Famous Silhouette Artist Expert
World Famous Silhouette Artist Cindi creates lasting keepsakes
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something black and white?
Famous myths often change with time, and what is black and white can be colorful too.
Tradition has the history of the art of silhouette portraits hand-cut from black paper,
and mounted on white. Famed, modern silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, often adds
color to her paper profiles at events.
The world famous psychiatrist and scientist, Lavatar, knew that a silhouette artist who is
a fine artist, and observer of life, can see personality, in features and in body language.
At outstanding parties and events, such as weddings and corporate gatherings, it is a modern and
vintage approach to have the best silhouette artist cut every guest's portrait for party favor.

Friday, April 6, 2018
Toy and Gift Stores thrive with Silhouettes by Cindi
Toys R US, closed due to no in-store marketing. However, many gift stores, children's stores,
toy stores, private pharmacy/stores, are realizing that to get traffic they must have a special event.
Cindi Rose is one of the only silhouette artists in the world that will not allow people to send in mail-order silhouettes. She likes to impact lives and entertain people as she cuts portraits, an art she
taught herself, as a teen while working in an amusement park. www.http://silhouettesbycindi.com
After working for Six Flags Over Texas, Astroworld, DisneyLand, Disney World, and finishing college by 21, Cindi realized that she could also do her artwork for many causes and in many areas.
She learned the best people skills at the Disney Theme Park schools required to work in the park. That, combined with her honors degree from University of Texas, Austin in communications and marketing, as well as Fine Arts, make Cindi a fit in any business, understanding that you need her to perk up your sales. She generously gives all schools, stores, non-profits, a percent of sales, and the sales increase as well.www.http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org
Many fine department stores have had Cindi there for the fragrance houses, as they also have other artists, some painting perfume-bottles for those who make a good purchase. It is wise for merchandisers to even in-list costumed characters and to promote that, authors, chefs, designers, and to also benefit local charity. When retailers, have special events and promote them through the many websites, bloggers, their email lists, local area publications, they will see their sales increase, and people will enjoy the experience of shopping in person, and not, on-line.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Atlanta, Memphis, and Nashville Adores Silhouette Artist Cindi Rose
For years, Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, www.http://www.silhouettesbycindi.com has been hired for corporate business conventions, beautiful weddings,
charming children's stores, and for fundraisers in some of the South's favorite cites, like Atlanta, Memphis, Charleston, and Nashville. Her work has varied from beautiful plantation estate weddings, to children's hospitalswww.http://www.hollyroseribbon.org such as St. Luke's, to school fundraisers, such as Emory University where both her children attended in Atlanta, Georgia. Cindi's work is rare, as it is insightful and detailed. She began her career with Disneyland as a teen, doing portraits and silhouettes for them at various parks, including California and Florida.www.http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org Her roots are not Southern, she is from the Southwest, and feels more international, as her work takes her around the world. Have scissors, will travel is her motto. Cindi is always ready for a theme. You can see her work on cindi.silhouette on instagram, where she can dress historical, NY city slick, fashionista, steam-punk Victoriana, classic, society, cowgirl chic, sophisticate, or Victorian. Regardless, of any theme, Cindi will wear a smile. Silhouettes are her game, and Cindi is her name. Children's and toy stores, historic Presidential homes have found Cindi to help their store sales and their causes. Google has found that Cindi increase employee and client morale, as her work is empowering, and her personality magnetic and positive.
For years, Silhouette artist, Cindi Harwood Rose, www.http://www.silhouettesbycindi.com has been hired for corporate business conventions, beautiful weddings,
charming children's stores, and for fundraisers in some of the South's favorite cites, like Atlanta, Memphis, Charleston, and Nashville. Her work has varied from beautiful plantation estate weddings, to children's hospitalswww.http://www.hollyroseribbon.org such as St. Luke's, to school fundraisers, such as Emory University where both her children attended in Atlanta, Georgia. Cindi's work is rare, as it is insightful and detailed. She began her career with Disneyland as a teen, doing portraits and silhouettes for them at various parks, including California and Florida.www.http://silhouettesforsurvivors.org Her roots are not Southern, she is from the Southwest, and feels more international, as her work takes her around the world. Have scissors, will travel is her motto. Cindi is always ready for a theme. You can see her work on cindi.silhouette on instagram, where she can dress historical, NY city slick, fashionista, steam-punk Victoriana, classic, society, cowgirl chic, sophisticate, or Victorian. Regardless, of any theme, Cindi will wear a smile. Silhouettes are her game, and Cindi is her name. Children's and toy stores, historic Presidential homes have found Cindi to help their store sales and their causes. Google has found that Cindi increase employee and client morale, as her work is empowering, and her personality magnetic and positive.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
DC's favorite silhouette artist goes historic in Old Town Charleston
Washington DC has always loved silhouettes since Augustin Edouart from France came to the USA. The historic district of Charleston, South Carolina, Virginia's Monticello, The New York Museum of Art, are lovely venues where Cindi's authentic works were produced on the spot. People leave with them. She can cut mount 30 or more silhouettes per hour. She is the world's only silhouette artist who worked for both Disneyland and Disney World, as a portrait and silhouette artist and besides her 2 college degrees, in art and journalism, she has the degree from The University of Disney, in people skills. USA, Canada, American silhouette artist, Cindi travels to Europe for bookings too! World's top silhouette artist Cindi Rose
At many events, this BRAVO TV star will do 2 silhouettes of each person, one for a guest book, and one for each guest. Cindi Rose's silhouettes are a cut above the rest! She is the associate producer of the historical documentary that won 14 international and national awards on the history of silhouettes, past and present. In the documentary, it showed that speed does matter for a smoother cut. Google googles Cindi and hires her at meetings in Canada, MountainView, Seattle, Freemont, Beaver Creek, and is negotiating India.
She is often hired at museums as a curator, and for family days!
At many events, this BRAVO TV star will do 2 silhouettes of each person, one for a guest book, and one for each guest. Cindi Rose's silhouettes are a cut above the rest! She is the associate producer of the historical documentary that won 14 international and national awards on the history of silhouettes, past and present. In the documentary, it showed that speed does matter for a smoother cut. Google googles Cindi and hires her at meetings in Canada, MountainView, Seattle, Freemont, Beaver Creek, and is negotiating India.
She is often hired at museums as a curator, and for family days!
USA Silhouette Artist ,Cindi Rose,is America's most detailed and flattering silhouette artist!
Hire USA's renown silhouette Cindi to have a cherished wedding in America's DC, Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, Vegas, Chicago, Austin, NYC,Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Orlando, and Denver.
Have scissors will travel is the motto of award winning tired generation silhouette artist, Cindi Rose, who is in demand globally. Her intricate portrait profiles cut by hand, began at Disneyland and Disneyworld after she was first hired as a teen to draw and paint portraits in the park. This skill came from generations of artists who could do portraits, paper-cutting, and architecture. At 16, Cindi discovered the art, and with her first try, she got the job as "The Silhouette Artist" for a Six Flagg's amusement park in the Dallas/Houston/San Antonio area, owned by Disney's Jess Rubio. He was so impressed with there production and people skills he made it a point to send Cindi to DisneyLand during the Christmas holidays and a week each summer, to allow their one silhouette artist to get a vacation. Now her work is globally, for Google, Dell, CVS, law firms, fashion homes like Hermes, Fashion weeks in Milan, and the academy awards. She is popular as a silhouette artist to raise fund for schools, and to get people to purchase in retail outlets. Her magnetic personality makes everyone feel great. At weddings in Nashville, Memphis, Austin, Atlanta, Dallas, New York City, Brooklyn, Seattle, San Francisco. . . she does 2 silhouettes, one for each guest and one for a guest book. See her work on Cindi.silhouette on instagram, and follow her as SilhouettesbyCindi Silhouette arts on Facebook. Get sales in your retail outlet and profit!
Monday, January 8, 2018
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: Google Googled Silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Ros...
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: Google Googled Silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Ros...: Google Corporate Headquarters Event Silhouette Art by Cindi Rose Google Corporate Event featuring Silhouette Art by Cindi! Google G...
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: The History of Silhouette Art and Silhouette Artis...
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: The History of Silhouette Art and Silhouette Artis...: The History of Silhouette Art and Silhouette Artists A silhouette is everything and nothing. It is the positive and the negative. Whe...
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: Silhouette artists at Corporate EventsCVS SPECIALT...
Silhouette Artist Cindi for weddings, love, and beauty tips!: Silhouette artists at Corporate EventsCVS SPECIALT...: Silhouette artists at Corporate Events CVS SPECIALTY, GOOGLE, DELL, AND MANY LAW FIRMS HAVE FOUND THAT CINDI HARWOOD ROSE CAN BE JUST THE ...
Silhouette artists at Corporate Events

Concise History of Silhouette Artist and Art for dummies
The History of Silhouette Artists and Silhouette Art History for Dummies by Lizzie Dow
What is a master silhouette artist?
A master silhouette artist normally is
an artist who did portraits since a child (without lessons) and can translate that into cutting portraits. Most worked for Disneyland or Disney World and can do the inside cut-outs and groupings together. None use an overhead projector, or sketch it first, unless it is the entire body.
How do you train to do silhouette portraits?
If you train, or read a book on how to cut silhouettes, you will end up with generic silhouettes that don't look human, or do not have movement in the hair. You may not be able to capture the exact details of a face. The best silhouette artists never trained, they just could draw and one day they took any type of scissors and cut out a good looking profile portrait of someone.
Who is the best living silhouette artist?
The Guild of Papercutters (GAP) features Cindi Harwood as the premier silhouette artist.
She is the current fastest silhouette artist in history as shown in the film "Silhouette Secrets."
Kara Walker is the best fine-art living silhouette-style museum artist.
When did silhouette art start?
Some people will save the cave carvings where the first silhouettes, others say the faces on Greek urns. In many books, it says a woman used a candle light to trace her boyfriend's shadow
around 500 year's ago, and used soot or candle dirt to make the silhouette. This would be a primitive way to do it now, but a fun art craft project
Are silhouette artists fine artists?</b>
Most silhouette artists who do not sketch, use a light, do them in person, have fine art degrees. Some are better than others. The best silhouette artists have always been hired by Disneyland or DisneyWorld where the standard is higher. The exception is Varin of Sweet Silhouettes who also does intricate works, and couples together. Many good children's silhouette artists in stores can't do groupings, but can cut the beautiful details out. Look for the white lines in the hair and the bows when a silhouette artist comes to your city, don't settle for solid black silhouettes. You can order good silhouettes on-line from Paper Portraits.
Is silhouette art passed down for generations?
No, that is a sale's pitch. Not every family member is an artist from families. If one mastered silhouettes that does not mean their child can. Often, it can skip generations. Sisters Cindi Harwood and Holly Harwood both worked for the Disney amusement parks cutting silhouettes and also did them at corporate events.
Who likes silhouette art?
Anyone who appreciates beautiful art, tradition, family heirlooms, cameos, and trendy, yet classic decor love silhouettes. It is a great gift to parents and loved ones, and especially special at weddings and fine affairs.
Should silhouettes be large or small?
Miniature silhouettes of profiles, are the most desired and of real silhouette paper, not construction paper. It shows the artist was not a teacher who traced a shadow off a wall which is a distortion. They are not artists in most cases so it is never exact. It does not mean you won't treasure it, it just won't have a historic value, unless the subject becomes a celebrity. Some silhouette artists such as Edouart, John Miers, who have passed have silhouettes worth thousands. Peggy McClard art studio and antique dealer sells historic silhouettes. She also thinks highly of Silhouette Artist Cindi Harwood Rose, Kara Walker, Kathryn, and Charles Burns, currently alive. All these artists have mastered the art in a variety of modern styles. Cindi Rose, does an art deco interpretation, putting in four dimensions, including psychic silhouettes and the soul.Kara Walker is in the MOMA and won the Grant award, and is one of the world's finest living artists in all history. Her work is powerful with a message. They are large, but are not actual subjects they are made to compel the viewer to cringe, cry, and feel emotions. In some ways her work is similar to Charles Dickens silhouettes, with a character feel.
Is speed important in silhouette art?
Yes! The best silhouette artists feel and see, and capture the profile in 2 minutes of a subject with a smooth cut. Slower silhouette artists do cruder work, and the cut of the paper, is not as clean.
When was the first real silhouette made and why?
Not everyone could afford an oil portrait, and oil paints were hand-made from minerals and plants. A portrait may cost today as much as $100,000 500 year's ago. The artist may spend as much as 6 months painting a subject (as seen in museums, normally of royalty). As in the movie, "Girl with the Pearl", often the artist took advantage of the subject for personal reasons and they feel in love with the minors they painted. With the invention of the scissors, before photography, someone figured how to hand-cut a profile from black paper, they covered with a soot or black paint, made from scratch. This became the "poor man's portrait and was called shades. Later, Auguste Edourt named them silhouettes after a French minister of finance who loved silhouettes whose last name was silhouette.
Where do you find a good silhouette artist?
You need to compare silhouette artist's work on the internet, to see who can do the most intricate work, and read the reviews (making sure the language on each is different so you know they are authentic). In Europe, for example, they rarely put in eyelashes, and often, elongate the bottom torso, mounting the work with scotch tape. Some artists use vinyl paper so the silhouette itself is not smooth and the cut is a bit cruder, or the children have no details, the hair is the same or does not have many cuts inside it to give it life. I think you should search under the words, former Disneyland or Disneyworld silhouette artists to find the best silhouette artists.
Where do silhouette artists work?
Silhouette artists work world-wide for corporate events, weddings, private parties, school fundraisers, business holiday parties, and some in amusement parks. You can hire one from GigSalad, in the New York area, who will travel world-wide. In Europe, you can use Chosen Events. In Texas, Colorado, Louisiana,Nevada, Mississippi, silhouettesforsurvivors can find you a silhouette artist.
At Orlando's Disney Springs (no cost to go), in the cart near the beautiful crystal shop and Ghirardelli chocolates is a great silhouette artist, Kathryn Flocken, with reduced prices and frames. She also sells a personal penned book about silhouette arts. She has many blogs one is Kathy and Cindi Silhouette Sisters, which is popular in New York City.
How much is a silhouette?
The price varies as to where you find the artist. At most venues the artists charge about $45 for a right and left view, but the venue must have booked the artist around 40 appointments to secure the artist. Disney Springs in Orlando has the most reasonable silhouettes done by masters anywhere.

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